05-23-2012, 10:32 AM
Roughly 50% were/are from the planet Mars. Approximately 25% natives to this Earth (that is, graduates from 2D to 3D). And the remaining 25% from various other sources/planets.
I take this remaining 25% as being primarily of Maldekian and Denebian "descent" (and remember, Deneb is a star system of planets—not a planet). And within this remaining 25%, I'd say perhaps a 5% (?) pertains to the 13 other minor planetary influences.
Take into consideration that some of the entities from Maldek "downgraded" from 3D to 2D for a some space/time, so they aren't necessarily experiencing a 3D experience as the rest.
It should also be noted that those entities native to this Earth begun their 3D cycle here, whilst those "transplanted" from elsewhere merely continue/d their 3D experience here (the latter were "re-cycled," and are not to be confused with "wanderers").
I take this remaining 25% as being primarily of Maldekian and Denebian "descent" (and remember, Deneb is a star system of planets—not a planet). And within this remaining 25%, I'd say perhaps a 5% (?) pertains to the 13 other minor planetary influences.
Take into consideration that some of the entities from Maldek "downgraded" from 3D to 2D for a some space/time, so they aren't necessarily experiencing a 3D experience as the rest.
It should also be noted that those entities native to this Earth begun their 3D cycle here, whilst those "transplanted" from elsewhere merely continue/d their 3D experience here (the latter were "re-cycled," and are not to be confused with "wanderers").