05-23-2012, 03:29 AM
3 + 1 (observer)
13 - 1 (observer)
and we end with
4 basic truths (the core earth level, also the 4 petals of the root chakra, symbolized as interactions of 4)
12 archtypes + observer
So, space/time is 3+1 and time/space is 13-1
12 is 6 archtypes from 2 major polarities each also being a form of "density" as viewed in terms of how "deep" once process is.
So ,3 major influences and 13 minor influences.
Not sure if it matches up but its what i've been thinking about
13 - 1 (observer)
and we end with
4 basic truths (the core earth level, also the 4 petals of the root chakra, symbolized as interactions of 4)
12 archtypes + observer
So, space/time is 3+1 and time/space is 13-1
12 is 6 archtypes from 2 major polarities each also being a form of "density" as viewed in terms of how "deep" once process is.
So ,3 major influences and 13 minor influences.
Not sure if it matches up but its what i've been thinking about