05-15-2012, 10:50 PM
(05-15-2012, 01:54 PM)Valtor Wrote: The act of eating is a service. Is eating a selfish act (STS) or a communal act (STO) ? I choose communion.
PS: I just had to get this out of my system. You can nuke this thread now if you want.I promise I will understand if it's deleted and won't bring this up ever again.
Hi Valtor,
Not sure if this is the right thread to talk about this at this point.
To me the answer is obvious...of course sharing with others and caring and nourishing our bodies are heart-ful acts. We need to eat to live. If we stop eating, unless something miraculous happens, we will shortly die of malnourishment. If we don't feed our children, we are neglecting them. If we go on a hunger strike, we'll die if we take it to the extreme outcome.
Our bodies are a Temple, we are responsible to care for it, I believe.
Our bodies are a part of a natural cycle and rhythm, we are born, we live and we eventually die. All beings the planet take part in this normal natural cycle of birth , life, and death. In order to live, we must eat. It's really a sacred action, because it is life-giving. And other 2-d beings (plants and animals) that nourish us, are giving us life. They die, so we may live for a while. And then we die, and our organic substance returns to earth to be re-formed.
There are so many overlays of negative-influenced thought regarding the simple sacred act of eating. So I think we can get confused and lose the simplicity, and wholesomeness of the ritual of eating.