(05-11-2012, 08:03 PM)omcasey Wrote: Valtor,
Thank you for your feedback.. I am pleased to hear I am coming through more clearly. The male/female example I employed, just to put it to paper, was for the sole purpose clarity; it was felt this example allowed more understanding to come through regarding the capacity for imbalance.
To be very precise, rather than the broad concept of polarity in general, it is the idea of intentional polarization toward either STO or STS for the purpose of graduation that I am interested in. To bring it in even nearer to me, the interest is to whether it is or is not applicable to me in my current situation and state of experience. Then, ultimately, if yes, how so. These last bits are for me to know from within myself. The immediate task - for me - is to come into a fuller understanding and relationship with the concept. Which with the combined help of everyone here I am indeed doing.
with my sincerest appreciation..,
hi casey, well i won't quote Ra's or Carla's (Jim talks rarely) word, but i will use a sinthesis of his teaching, harvest in this case from 3d to 4d came more naturally after the dead process, a normal 3d native does not have the ability to do what you describe, they need polarization, them you will go to time/space and take the step of light, whether if it is sto or sts, it is the same thing, been able to handle more speed of rotation of the photon, if you can not, them you come back to 3d.
What you are describing in the process of dematerialization from this 3d space/time, i believe it is perfectly possibly to do this, it is matter of having the ability to do it, i believe that it is have nothing to do with harvest (end of this mayor cicle), it is a power that you achieve, and i believe that you will be going to 3d time/space, them changing bodies indigo or violet, them reviewing the incarnation (or the other way around), and going where you will need to go, if you were a 3d native, you will go to 4d, but clearly you seem to be a 6d wanderer, normally you them will go to your home density.
But remember that to say "going straight to unity" it is not really so, it is a process of transformation in the mecanical sense (many energies), so maybe you are thinking too generally.
Namaste, light and love to you, as always sorry for my english, i can not express clear enough my answer.