While it is indeed a very generic list, which encompasses pretty much all/any human condition (which can be directly related to multiple physical/mental dis-eases), it's not to say many are valid in certain contexts, for certain people. I have personally experienced some on the list, and can vouch for their truth within my own experience.
To dismiss them all is in perfect equilibrium with a unfounded belief in them all. Akin to Richard Dawkins vs. Religion :¬)
To repeat Bashar: spiritual evolution is integrating all aspects, not separating. Positive integrates, negative segregates. Spiritual growth is *and*, not *or*.
Holding onto the 'or' perspective polarises negatively, as one is pushing against something, denying it's value. Pushing against something, if one is aiming to polarise positively, is very much wasted attention and focus.
To dismiss them all is in perfect equilibrium with a unfounded belief in them all. Akin to Richard Dawkins vs. Religion :¬)
To repeat Bashar: spiritual evolution is integrating all aspects, not separating. Positive integrates, negative segregates. Spiritual growth is *and*, not *or*.
Holding onto the 'or' perspective polarises negatively, as one is pushing against something, denying it's value. Pushing against something, if one is aiming to polarise positively, is very much wasted attention and focus.