05-04-2012, 02:24 PM
(05-04-2012, 01:53 PM)Lulu Wrote: Sorry for my crankiness, it's just f*cking disturbing how much I can feel others. I am so disgusted and angry about having to feel the sickness (anxiety, stress, projections) of others that I am about to become the meanest negative entity on the planet --if that is possible. Just so it will have to be solved and they will be held accountable to how they are effecting others. If blissing out and loving them worked, believe me, I would have been more then happy to have kept on doing that, but it doesn't. It actually causes ME to be MORE sensitive and helpless in the environment of others.
I have the choice to abandon ship. Which always sounds heavenly but rather cruel to a few that I do care about, who do try to be accountable. OR become a hermit again and ever ONLY be around people who do not affect me in a negative way (nearly impossible). OR find a way to call in other beings to assist in this issue no matter what is the outcome or detriment of the others, solely to serve myself as the creator, as one. (white lights and all those shield techniques are completely useless, I've tried them all. I'm about to call in Satan and his legions to do their work).
I will feel refreshed and happy until I am in the presence of others, then get so sick around some people that I sometimes almost throw up. Then I come take it all out on you guys ;-) and start feeling stuff from you. By the way these are normal healthy people, some that eat perfect vegan diets some that are seekers etc...
Anyways --if I vanish it's because I might need to take a break.
Lulu, I understand.
Let me suggest that what is helpful for me, may be helpful for you. I balance solitude with exposure to the world, and I control my exposure. I work at home (have done so for 25 years), and I don't watch TV. I don't read the news. I occasionally listen to NPR in the car for news, or friends will let me know when something big happens. I do interact with people, but on a limited basis, and when I do, I "recuperate" the next day or so in solitude at home. I also live rurally, which helps, too.
None of this takes the pain away of this suffering planet, yet it helps me to cope with it. The other necessary thing to me is to check myself when I start spiraling down, and then to do something productive. Affirmations and the like are good, but when I get down action is better for me. What I mean by productive is, something I do that contributes to the evolution of this sad place. I write for one thing. Another is a business I have been developing for whole-brain learning for kids which incorporates art-infused activities.
Remember that you came here for a purpose. This also helps me. So when you feel overwhelmed, try and focus on that. Be a warrior for your purpose.