05-04-2012, 01:46 PM
(05-03-2012, 09:07 PM)omcasey Wrote:iwritebackwards Wrote:Since then I have been receiving other experiences, like the ringing of the ears, seeing molecules in the air, vibration of the body, and flashes of light while sleeping.
I can fully relate!
Haven't come close to putting it all together yet but I can relate. The body phenomena in particular does lend one to the idea of transmutation and I do feel this is what some of us are experiencing, myself included. But as far as being certain beyond any doubt, this is still forthcoming.
For others of us who may pass through, a brief list of what I, and you may be experiencing, even during the day while wide awake---
(all normal!, absolutely par for the course be assured)
Body Phenomena
Full Body Vibrations
Localized Vibrations
Electrical Currents
Buzzing, Humming, Itching, Pinpricks
Feeling of Acceleration
Atmospheric Change in Pressure
Feeling of Being Stretched
Temperature Change, Extreme Heat and/or Cold
Tingling, like a Light Inner Rain
Chakras Spinning
White Light Strobing
The Space in front of you Warbling; tangible from within the physical system
180 Flips; sensation of being rotated a particular degree out of phase with the physical body
Sensation of Floating or Falling
Non-Locality; Difficulty Locating Yourself
Someone not Visible Touching You
Visual Imagery:
Colorful Point Lights
Energy Radiating off the Edges of Things
Crystalized Snowflake-like Formations of Brightly Colored Light
Swirls of Color
Geometric Shapes
Voices, Words and Sentences.. Conversations...
Ear Sound, Changes in Pitch and/or Depth
Nada Sounds- Tones, Frequencies, Harmonics, Celestial Music
Hypnogogic and Hypnopompic Sounds -Hammer Strikes, Doors Slamming, Whirlies, Etc..
in the hopes this is potentially helpful to someone..,
Oh my, the ITCHING and PINPRICKS are nearly driving me mad! All over my face - like something touching me. At times it even wakes me up from a sound sleep. The only thing to which I can relate this is a recent interest in genealogy research. My husband tells me that all our ancestors are trying to get my attention so that I can "find them" and tell their story.
The tinnitus I can handle.