05-04-2012, 12:47 PM
Hi OmCasey,
Nice to have read your story. When I first read about your story, my mind kept thinking about salvia and the experiences I've read. I've looked on your youtube channel, and have watched your video post about entheogens. I've not done what Terrance Mckenna did, but only the sort of Albert Hoffman.
I totally agree, that while entheogens have good insights about universe, it's not to be abused or used as a crutch. Information is meant to be relayed only when the student is ready, and it's meant to be a progression. Entheogens could happen like a sudden burst of information, and I'm totally disgusted at the people who abuse such things just in the name of fun.. I used to be one of them until I learned my lesson the hard way.
My Channel on youtube is LevitatedOne, and I do plan on making my own video blog when I'm ready, and I will soon
Your soul is on a high journey ! Keep up the good work bringing awareness.
Nice to have read your story. When I first read about your story, my mind kept thinking about salvia and the experiences I've read. I've looked on your youtube channel, and have watched your video post about entheogens. I've not done what Terrance Mckenna did, but only the sort of Albert Hoffman.
I totally agree, that while entheogens have good insights about universe, it's not to be abused or used as a crutch. Information is meant to be relayed only when the student is ready, and it's meant to be a progression. Entheogens could happen like a sudden burst of information, and I'm totally disgusted at the people who abuse such things just in the name of fun.. I used to be one of them until I learned my lesson the hard way.
My Channel on youtube is LevitatedOne, and I do plan on making my own video blog when I'm ready, and I will soon
Your soul is on a high journey ! Keep up the good work bringing awareness.