05-04-2012, 09:50 AM
I agree and enjoy what you have just stated Ali, but would also wish to point out that merely because certain concepts or possibilities appear impossible in nature in our minds does not deem it so as the human mind holds a vastly limited perception relative to the entirety of the Creation. Theoretical possibilities, philosophizing, any and all concepts we hold are mere metaphors for things and not as they truly are. In this dimension we exist within these are true things but who is to say what particular metaparadigms govern other areas of existence? True, to us there are those experiences which are completely outside the scope of what we may possibly undertake, but this is a circumstantial statement. For instance, we take for granted the experience of 'walking' when there are some who perhaps may no longer be able to experience this. To the handicapped, it is an impossibility, yet it is wholly possible for us. The one known as Jesus allegedly underwent the experience of walking on water which is not something most humans would consider possible.
The concept you postulate of non-existence however is a very intriguing one to ponder. True, we will never experience this, but at the same time we do. "We" in regards to this individualized form we take, does not exist as another form in our eyes. Suspending for a moment the fact that we as the essence of Creator permeate all things, let us consider that the human being is not a pie as a random example. We exist, but at the same time, do not exist as something else. Indeed, before we existed in this form, we did not exist. There are plenty of things which we may say do not exist in our world, but it is perhaps more accurate to say that they are in an unmanifest, unpotentiated form. The possibility and potential for absolutely anything and everything is there. It is a matter of allowing it to become manifest through whatever causes and actions will lead to it.
The concept you postulate of non-existence however is a very intriguing one to ponder. True, we will never experience this, but at the same time we do. "We" in regards to this individualized form we take, does not exist as another form in our eyes. Suspending for a moment the fact that we as the essence of Creator permeate all things, let us consider that the human being is not a pie as a random example. We exist, but at the same time, do not exist as something else. Indeed, before we existed in this form, we did not exist. There are plenty of things which we may say do not exist in our world, but it is perhaps more accurate to say that they are in an unmanifest, unpotentiated form. The possibility and potential for absolutely anything and everything is there. It is a matter of allowing it to become manifest through whatever causes and actions will lead to it.