12-26-2009, 02:33 PM
There is but only one true emotion, one true feeling, and that is LOVE. This is the one emotion which we have no control over, for we are love, and love we are, and that is truth.
EVERY other emotion is a choice of free will. When you make this realization, and come to comprehend it fully, every time an emotion comes to you, you may consciously choose to accept it, allowing yourself to fully deal with the emotion. Feel it, prolong it, get in touch with this emotion. You may then come to the realization that the emotion is not truth. This is the first part in a two part process, and need only be done until full realization is made. Once you have come to this full realization, you may then choose to continually replace the false emotion with the one real emotion, love, each time the false emotion arises. This takes a conscious effort and awareness, and becomes easier and easier over time.
Soon, as you have learned to consistently replace the false emotions with love, all you will feel is love, and what used to upset you will bring you joy. This is the most effective use of catalyst which leads to the path of least distortion. This is desired
EVERY other emotion is a choice of free will. When you make this realization, and come to comprehend it fully, every time an emotion comes to you, you may consciously choose to accept it, allowing yourself to fully deal with the emotion. Feel it, prolong it, get in touch with this emotion. You may then come to the realization that the emotion is not truth. This is the first part in a two part process, and need only be done until full realization is made. Once you have come to this full realization, you may then choose to continually replace the false emotion with the one real emotion, love, each time the false emotion arises. This takes a conscious effort and awareness, and becomes easier and easier over time.
Soon, as you have learned to consistently replace the false emotions with love, all you will feel is love, and what used to upset you will bring you joy. This is the most effective use of catalyst which leads to the path of least distortion. This is desired