12-24-2009, 02:21 AM
(12-22-2009, 12:55 AM)ahktu Wrote: I’m thinking that perhaps the problem that is occurring is that those who would seek to distract you (be they from within or without) have found a chink in your armor. They realize that hitting you in this particular area produces the greatest results, so they keep slamming away at that one crack, hoping that the whole construct will shatter in time. Be it inner resistance or psychic greeting, the negative has little capacity for mercy and from what I’ve experienced, it never gets tired and decides to take a break for a while.
In my personal opinion (and it is only my opinion), I think you might have some blockages in your lower chakras. It might be helpful to look at what about this situation, exactly, is upsetting you. What part of you is so hurt and frightened by these occurrences? There could be a major pain crystal buried somewhere deep within you that you may have forgotten about or have never been aware of on a conscious level to begin with. Are you suffering from the fear of letting others down? Are you afraid your family might not love you if you fail to provide? Do you feel you are not getting what you deserve in life, and perhaps don’t believe you deserve it, either? All of these kinds of issues can clog the whole system right up. A serious self evaluation, delving deep into the core of what makes you you and finding the absolute root source of this pain might help you to go with the flow better. A catalyst is simply a reflection of one’s self through the reactions an experience brings about. A catalyst, in itself, does not think about what it is doing. It just happens. The reaction you choose to have toward said catalyst is entirely up to you, but if you’re not sure who you are, it becomes a much harder decision to weigh evenly.
I honestly can’t say that any specific action will relieve your pain. Only you can find its source and it is your choice entirely as to what you wish your response to be. I can’t say you just need to be more positive, that is is this or that that is hurting you, because I’m not you, not in the individualized 3rd density sense, anyway. All I can do is be a further catalyst. Still, I hope my words may be of help and resonate with you in some way.
May love and light surround you,
I don't know if you were referring to myself or XLSander, but I have the opposite problem as a blockage... if this is a problem...