(04-20-2012, 06:55 PM)Valtor Wrote: Is anyone here familiar with the Lyricus Teaching Order (i.e. WingMaker material) ?
They call the moment when the scientific community of a planet presents evidence of consciousness existing outside of our brain as The Grand Portal. Because this simple act of science ultimately results in the removal of the veil and begins our multi-dimensional existence. Interesting stuff.
Notwithstanding the efficacy of these protocols, there are instances where the discovery of the Grand Portal was successfully suppressed by established institutions that foresaw their ruin or replacement in the dawning of this discovery. This fear reaction is a natural result of perceived displacement, which is why Lyricus specializes in the psychology of change management, and why the transmission protocols are so rigorously tested and refined.
The primary findings of the Grand Portal can be reduced to four fundamental knowledge systems. They are:
1. The soul carrier function is muted or diminished in proportional sympathy to the species’ perception of soul.
2. The species is unified at multiple levels that transcend time and place. This unification is essential to its vibrant survival as well as its ascension pathway as a spiritual force that animates and preserves the knowledge defined by the species.
3. The species is innately connected to a vast network of related life forms each based on the biogenetic soul carrier archetype of the Central Race specific to its superuniverse. Collectively, these species represent the cellular structure of First Source, while the individuated consciousness represents the indivisible particle thereof.
4. The individuated consciousness is orchestrated by the species to produce a knowledge path that leads the species to its creator and upholder. It is this return – like a migratory journey enjoined by a fierce tailwind – that is accelerated by the Grand Portal.
The individual is not existential, nor truly independent of the species. The individual is not supreme, nor is it the reward of consciousness. The individual is less an artifact of First Source than it is of the species. The soul carrier is ultimately transformed and fused with the individuated consciousness to the point it is indiscernible as a separate component of consciousness, but the individual remains devoted to the archetype of the species.
The primary effects of the Grand Portal can be reduced to three major influences. They are:
1. Institutions of science, religion, and culture are reformatted to embrace the science of multidimensional realities as their core, guiding frequency.
2. Government leaders are obliged to restructure their political systems to allow for the integration of new systems of knowledge, specifically of the multidimensional universe and the extended brotherhood of intelligent beings that live therein.
3. Social institutions related to trade and enterprise are reengineered to support the technologies that arise from the discovery of the Grand Portal. These technologies dramatically alter the way of life on a planetary scale. These include soul carrier health, species continuation planning, ecosystem stability, and harmonization of species in service to a planetary educational system.
The areas of resistance to the Grand Portal are predictable if not avoidable. Resistance is largely predicated on three basic factors:
1. Is particle energy used as a weapon and/or an energy resource?
2. Is religion fragmented or unified?
3. Is machine intelligence managed by species’ intelligence?
Socio-Political Resistance
Because particle energy is a core component of the Grand Portal discovery, the species is aware of the inherent power of particle energy before it has discovered the Grand Portal. This awareness can provide unlimited resources for energy production, and it can also be a weapon of coercion to seize control of planetary resources.
If the species is using particle energy as a weapon of intimidation amongst its own members, it is more likely to resist the approach of the Grand Portal because the discoveries of the Grand Portal introduce an indisputable range of intelligent life forms whose relationships are initially uncertain. Because of this perceived shift in the balance of supremacy, the evidence of the Grand Portal is resisted and there is a comprehensive stratagem to conceal it.
Religious Resistance
Among species whose religious and spiritual identities are fragmented, religious leaders are essentially in competition. That is to say, leadership has chosen to define the spiritual worlds and individual purpose therein differently. This is common among species that have partial activation of the soul carrier’s sensorial capacity. This fractional capacity is precisely the cause of discordant views by spiritual leaders, and the resulting rivalry is the primary cause of resistance expressed by spiritual leaders when the Grand Portal is discovered.
The resistance generally takes the form of skepticism initially and evolves into indignation and ridicule. Unlike the social and political leaders who can operate in stealth through well-concealed stratagem, spiritual leaders generally resist the Grand Portal after it is discovered and announced, and do so openly.
Technology Resistance
As the species evolves its communication network, machine intelligence begins to eclipse species’ intelligence. Machines of super-intelligence are built that – if not properly managed by the species – can self-evolve at a velocity greater than organic evolution, overtaking the embedded management protocols and allowing machines to dominate the frontiers of science and technology.
When this occurs, the Grand Portal can still be discovered, but the species itself is not sufficiently prepared to assimilate the findings and apply them in service to the formation of new institutions and the transformation of existing ones. When the Grand Portal is revealed solely by machine intelligence, the discovery is hollow and its propagation is typically reserved for the intellectually elite of the species.
The Grand Portal’s discovery is far less significant than the diffusion and propagation of its findings to the species’ educational institutions and planetary scientific class. The discovery holds the promise of the activation of the soul carrier’s sensorial system, which is an intelligence accelerator of significant value to the species.
Species who have both fragmented spiritual identities and deploy particle energy as weapons are among the most resistant to the Grand Portal evidence. Typically the resistance is twofold:
1. Political operatives predict the dawning of the Grand Portal discovery and a stratagem for its concealment is initiated before the discovery can be adequately corroborated and proven irrefutable.
2. When the stratagem to conceal fails and the evidence is distributed to the network, spiritual leaders offer the next wave of resistance by doubting the motivations of those leaders responsible for its discovery, since all or most do not subscribe to the belief systems defined and/or upheld by the spiritual leaders.
The period immediately preceding the discovery of the Grand Portal is the most critical. This episode of time is known as the Attestation Period, the time when critics will rise with full voice and unrestrained reluctance to resist the implications of the Grand Portal because they are aware – dimly as it may be – that massive change undermines their control impulse. It is a time when spiritual leaders and politicians join forces to repel this intricate and complex metaphysical and scientific revelation.
This is why the protocols are so carefully engineered by Lyricus to ensure that the leaders involved in the Grand Portal discovery operate skillfully to ensure that resistance is met with intelligent countermeasures that bring the proof of the human soul to the network in a way that cannot be censored, altered or restrained. The network itself will reveal the human soul in a way that is unimaginable and therefore indefensible.