04-13-2012, 09:35 PM
Hi and welcome. I've been through several situations where I just didn't know how I was going to handle things and it was a constant struggle from one bill and/or crappy relationship to the next. I eventually learned that trusting that all will be well is the foundation of all being well. Somehow things always worked out, even when it seemed impossible. When you give yourself over to fear, doubt and sorrow you create that reality around yourself. When you decide to greet each day with a smile and strive to be positive no matter what happens, you find good things happening to yourself, and joy can be found in every corner, even in the face of negative stimuli. I know words like that don't make things any easier, though. Having to rely on money when there isn't a lot of it and having to deal with people who behave in unloving ways is impossibly frustrating a lot of the time. Know that we're with you and love is being sent your way.