12-17-2009, 12:12 PM
(12-17-2009, 11:28 AM)thefool Wrote: I hope it is not a violation of some admin policies. But when has that ever stopped me before
www.spiritlibrary.com combines many of the new age channels and updates them often. These entities have their own web sites as well. My favorite entities are-
The Group with Steve Rother,
Metatron with Tyberonn,
Kryon with Lee Carroll,
Abraham with Hicks
Also check out Eloheim.info
Thank you for the links, I have since bookmarked them. I don't think sharing of such positive information would be an issue here, since that itself would be an act in conflict with the nature of this site.
From your links, I have read how the vibration level of the world is being modified by various methods, to prepare for the big moment. It is very exciting and difficult to grasp all the intricacies that comes into play. Oh well, I'll just do my part =)