03-31-2012, 11:49 AM
(03-31-2012, 01:51 AM)Diana Wrote:(03-30-2012, 09:56 AM)Siren Wrote: The human vernacular is one that is particularly loquacious. This distinct bombastic grandiloquence, though arguably "rich," "articulate" and "poetic," is something I could very well live without (then again, this may be something that has to do with where I come from, my own experience, and my preference for other more efficient/clearer/simpler mediums of communication).
Was the first part of this paragraph sarcastic? If it wasn't, then the parenthetical second half makes no sense.
(03-30-2012, 09:56 AM)Siren Wrote: Human beings have this particular tendency/need to label and categorize and sub-categorize and sub-sub-categorize practically everything they come across with. This gives them the (false) sense or notion that they got things "under control," dissected and comparmentalized for seemingly "better" understanding. However, I think the greater the verbosity, the greater (probability of) misunderstanding/confusion.
Truth is, this verbal means of communication, is of a transient nature. The Universe, the One Infinite Creator/Creation, Infinity Itself, is not describable by words (I'm sure you are aware that past mid-4D verbal language becomes increasingly useless).
Oftentimes, when I hear/read "men of intellect" speak/write/argue about scholarly/scientific matters, I stand aghast, because at a certain point it all has turned into a battle of words that is fought with the knowledge of dictionaries and lexicons and encyclopedias—and the true essence of the message is lost beneath the superfluous amount of verbal logorrhea that is being uttered. So I naturally find this babbling gibberish and jabbering gobbledygock to be extremely unnecessary (but again, that's just me).
Such a high dependance on a verbal language beffudles the mind from reaching deeper, clearer, simpler understandings (particuarly when it comes to "higher" philosophies or universal/spiritual principles).
How then, do you propose we communicate in 3D if not with language? As an experienced writer, even I find it extremely challenging to get my message clearly across to the members here (not because they don't understand, rather, I don't word my thoughts clearly enough). And those who do not take the time to word things carefully, or understandably, or post one-liners, can be confusing. Although, I enjoy the richness of diversity here, in communication styles, and the personalities which come through.
(03-30-2012, 09:56 AM)Siren Wrote: Thus, most times I refrain from engaging in verbal communications (this is ironical, however, since communication itself is one of my primary needs, gifts and "virtues"—I am not of Libra and the Air sign by random chance of luck, after all.)
I do apologize for the lenghtiness of my response—and for somewhat diverging from your original question (I am still working on synthesizing my writings in a more concise manner). But I did feel I could use this opportunity to express my viewpoint on the subject of "language" itself.
So, are you saying that since you have a gift, it's okay for you to be verbose and grandiose, but not for anyone else?
Yeah Siren. I love you, but it seems a bit here that you are lashing out against what you yourself portray as frustrating. There is beauty in simplicity. You have nothing to prove. Again, I love you and I have my own problems.