12-15-2009, 02:02 AM
I do not believe there has ever been conclusive evidence of anything consistent when it comes to dating the Pyramids of Giza. There have been simply too many factors and discrepancies involved. Though a general scientific consensus has been made, so was it general scientific consensus for many years that the earth was flat...
Have a read of this to see one differing scientific opinion.
Personally, I am inclined to give Ra a 1000 year leeway on either side of the actual date, since the distortion in channeling may have been a factor in provision of the number. Ra is billions of years old. Accuracy to within thousands of our years must be very difficult, especially when Ra does not exist within space/time.
Have a read of this to see one differing scientific opinion.
Personally, I am inclined to give Ra a 1000 year leeway on either side of the actual date, since the distortion in channeling may have been a factor in provision of the number. Ra is billions of years old. Accuracy to within thousands of our years must be very difficult, especially when Ra does not exist within space/time.