03-23-2012, 06:48 PM
Yeah, I have to admit, the song's relevance wasn't clear to me either...
You're right, βαθμιαίος, this is why the Transformation of the Mind must be kept in distinction from The Choice. To me, it is The Choice on a lower arc, so to speak. It is the ongoing choice that must be made every single moment: in this situation, shall I accept or manipulate? Seems simple, but it is easy to end up manipulating without realizing it.
You're right, βαθμιαίος, this is why the Transformation of the Mind must be kept in distinction from The Choice. To me, it is The Choice on a lower arc, so to speak. It is the ongoing choice that must be made every single moment: in this situation, shall I accept or manipulate? Seems simple, but it is easy to end up manipulating without realizing it.