01-19-2009, 11:47 PM
Hello all,
My first post, and I apologize if I'm also responding to other threads which I can't seem to find again... but hey, confusion is also a fine thing.
Ayadew wrote:
This is beautiful and well put! I had a "duh" moment some time ago realizing that for most people on this fine old planet spirituality is not necessarily primarily experiential, but rather something taken from a book, or from faith in somebody elses experience. It just never occured to me to go that way... That's why I considered myself an atheist until I was repeatedly hit over the head with spiritual experiences. Reading the Law of One material was the first reading I've done where my inside relaxed, and I felt that "this makes sense". Whether this means recognition or just resonance, I do not know.
This is also why I don't see an issue regarding Quo's request that we only keep that which resonates with us, and let the rest go - this will happen without any conscious effort, in my experience, because that which does not resonate with the present situation simply will go in one ear and out the other. Maybe it's just my teflon brain, but I find that if I reread a session I found especially inspirational, I will find comletely different meanings in the second reading, because I have already changed.
Ayadew wrote:
Are these "visions" more symbolic, or do they seem like literal rememberance?
I agree that attaining full remembrance is probably not desirable. The emotional impact of the few and far between memories I have (mostly "past" lives, very little from between) is quite enough for now! We're here to live now, and if remembering is part of the game, so be it, if not, so be it.
When I read Ra's words about the first wave of wanderers it hit me like a ton of bricks. Recognition or wishful thinking? The memories I have go back to cave person times, but the "I" does seem to have been even more of an outsider in the earlier times.
Anyway, greetings to all. I just briefly wanted to add my strand of energy to this web (-site), because it seems like a lovely place indeed.
My first post, and I apologize if I'm also responding to other threads which I can't seem to find again... but hey, confusion is also a fine thing.
Ayadew wrote:
Quote:"My latest revelation whas when I actually realised that One is All. I sat on the buss and saw in my third eye everything becoming part of me. I must have looked quite dumb as I smiled as a baby and touched everything around me - this is me. Ra said "It is impossible to not serve the Creator." It was so easy, the Creator is me! And everyone around me. Everything around me.
This may seem obvious to you more developed spirits out there, but a self-realised truth is the strongest one, and the only one which mean something. I cannot read LOO and simply believe in it. I must experience it for myself."
This is beautiful and well put! I had a "duh" moment some time ago realizing that for most people on this fine old planet spirituality is not necessarily primarily experiential, but rather something taken from a book, or from faith in somebody elses experience. It just never occured to me to go that way... That's why I considered myself an atheist until I was repeatedly hit over the head with spiritual experiences. Reading the Law of One material was the first reading I've done where my inside relaxed, and I felt that "this makes sense". Whether this means recognition or just resonance, I do not know.
This is also why I don't see an issue regarding Quo's request that we only keep that which resonates with us, and let the rest go - this will happen without any conscious effort, in my experience, because that which does not resonate with the present situation simply will go in one ear and out the other. Maybe it's just my teflon brain, but I find that if I reread a session I found especially inspirational, I will find comletely different meanings in the second reading, because I have already changed.
Ayadew wrote:
Quote:"I wonder if we can attain out full memory in this density? These "visions" of remembrance have increased lately, likely because time is spinning out of control. We live in an interesting time indeeed..."
Are these "visions" more symbolic, or do they seem like literal rememberance?
I agree that attaining full remembrance is probably not desirable. The emotional impact of the few and far between memories I have (mostly "past" lives, very little from between) is quite enough for now! We're here to live now, and if remembering is part of the game, so be it, if not, so be it.
When I read Ra's words about the first wave of wanderers it hit me like a ton of bricks. Recognition or wishful thinking? The memories I have go back to cave person times, but the "I" does seem to have been even more of an outsider in the earlier times.
Anyway, greetings to all. I just briefly wanted to add my strand of energy to this web (-site), because it seems like a lovely place indeed.