(03-18-2012, 11:04 AM)Liet Wrote: There was a psycadelic substance (4-HO-MET) which works heavily with the pineal gland (and secondarily, solar plexus) at the cost of ones throat and heart.
They are basicaly devoured after every 15second duration... its let to grow, and then POOF.
So two areas are strengthened by it and two are weakened.. at the comedown i noticed that the energies i see with closed eyes (or how the energy felt through my body) wasnt a smooth surface of overlapping colors anymore, they were pixels, WIDELY separated from eachothers and i could only see 2-3 color fields of singular colors at the time (instead of 4-5 overlapping fields of 3-5 overlapping colors each)..
So i paniced and thought i'd counterbalance through working the heart and throat directly.... Bad idea, because in doing this i forgot about so many other frequencies which all have to be in equal balance for one to be white.
You simply cant reach it through working one/two colors at the time (unless they are the lowest two frequencies in the spectrum, but i didnt know that then).
The first area i forgot about after this (and hit the ground) was the indigo ray, its just when i started recovering IT (alongside the throat and heart, a 3 month process), that my celiac/solar plexus gave in.
Well, this journey gave me a chanse to deeper inspect every individual energy and its properties in a way i'd never be capable of if i stayed white.
Thank you for the response my friend , very informative .. wish you all the best in your continued learning&healing ...