12-10-2009, 04:30 AM
Hi, Lynette.
This sounds like a situation close to your heart.
I don't know how much of the Ra Material you've read, but there's a recurring idea that you might find useful when trying to sort out your own and your mother's experiences. To wit, each experience is offered to the first chakra first, then if there's no internal reaction to the second, etc. If, however, there is an internal reaction at some particular chakra, then most of the energy of that experience will remain there at that level and proceed no higher until the "congestion" is cleared.
Therefore, if someone is fearful about something on a survival level, there's little point in speaking to them on an intellectual or spiritual level. That's just not where their focus is.
The origin of her, evidently, equating lack of dogmatic conformity with lack of survival might be quite deeply embedded within her...could be related to past life trauma watching her family killed for their heterodox beliefs, for example.
Sometimes people can be drawn out on these matters in an oblique fashion, that is, not by directly quizzing them on their personal irrational beliefs, but by discussing generally the perils and benefits of charting your course in life by what you know to be beautiful, loving and true instead of by slavishly following the party line. General, supportive discussions of that type may be of some service to her as they allow her the space to explore her feelings in a safe context...over some period of time.
Best of luck!
This sounds like a situation close to your heart.
I don't know how much of the Ra Material you've read, but there's a recurring idea that you might find useful when trying to sort out your own and your mother's experiences. To wit, each experience is offered to the first chakra first, then if there's no internal reaction to the second, etc. If, however, there is an internal reaction at some particular chakra, then most of the energy of that experience will remain there at that level and proceed no higher until the "congestion" is cleared.
Therefore, if someone is fearful about something on a survival level, there's little point in speaking to them on an intellectual or spiritual level. That's just not where their focus is.
The origin of her, evidently, equating lack of dogmatic conformity with lack of survival might be quite deeply embedded within her...could be related to past life trauma watching her family killed for their heterodox beliefs, for example.
Sometimes people can be drawn out on these matters in an oblique fashion, that is, not by directly quizzing them on their personal irrational beliefs, but by discussing generally the perils and benefits of charting your course in life by what you know to be beautiful, loving and true instead of by slavishly following the party line. General, supportive discussions of that type may be of some service to her as they allow her the space to explore her feelings in a safe context...over some period of time.
Best of luck!