03-16-2012, 01:41 PM
Yes Godwide,
I like to think of it in this way.
We now know thought to be a manifestation of sound as physics has proven. we know sound to be a frequency of energy that can create form and shape.
So the Creator thinks, makes a sound which becomes a form, and vibrates. We are one of those vibrating fields. The intention and purpose of the original thought from which we spawned has virtually conrtinued on through our experiencing of creation, and during interactions wqith other fields we encounter forces that tranmsofrm our vibration. All things act upon each other and the increasing of frequency can alter form.
So when that system of design meets with something as poweerful as an atomic blact which literally splits atoms, or planetary events of even highjer power, the fragile frequencies that we emit could be obliteraed to the point of not being abvle to exist as wavefrom any longer.
I do not know how the Confederation was ablew to counteract this or if that event even occured, but it seems that God does not tend to every need of every single frequency that it emits.
In other words we may scream out into the wild blue yonder with a great sound intedning it to be heard across the land, but should a hurricane come along it is only natural that what we just emitted will be overpowered and forever altered.
I like to think of it in this way.
We now know thought to be a manifestation of sound as physics has proven. we know sound to be a frequency of energy that can create form and shape.
So the Creator thinks, makes a sound which becomes a form, and vibrates. We are one of those vibrating fields. The intention and purpose of the original thought from which we spawned has virtually conrtinued on through our experiencing of creation, and during interactions wqith other fields we encounter forces that tranmsofrm our vibration. All things act upon each other and the increasing of frequency can alter form.
So when that system of design meets with something as poweerful as an atomic blact which literally splits atoms, or planetary events of even highjer power, the fragile frequencies that we emit could be obliteraed to the point of not being abvle to exist as wavefrom any longer.
I do not know how the Confederation was ablew to counteract this or if that event even occured, but it seems that God does not tend to every need of every single frequency that it emits.
In other words we may scream out into the wild blue yonder with a great sound intedning it to be heard across the land, but should a hurricane come along it is only natural that what we just emitted will be overpowered and forever altered.