03-15-2012, 05:47 PM
(03-13-2012, 11:52 AM)godwide_void Wrote: As another very wise member eloquently put it to me (while citing a work of ancient wisdom):
Knew I then that all that has being
is growing to meet yet another being
in a far-off grouping of space and of time.
Those who exude evil and those who walk the path of light both play a crucial role in this play of consciousness. Those of the the light disperse such light by interacting with others in order to manifest light for the greater good of all. Those of the dark seek to hoard all light into themselves, into the shadows of their being, yet in doing so provide numerous opportunities for those of the light to learn, be of service, what have you.
Both serving others and serving the self is done so within an illusion, not simply evil. I say this because there is absolutely no distinction between any of us at the deepest cores of our being; all are one being wearing various masks. Regardless of the path walked, unique experience is being accumulated for the Creator. The means to the end are entirely up to the unique individuated portion of the Creator's infinite awareness, whether they seek to work upon this or that chakra, balance these, focus only upon that, all roads lead to the same destination.
One can enlighten a room with a candle if the room is in darkness, but the candle is of little use if the room is already well lit.