(12-08-2009, 02:21 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: This is sort of a trial run. The other mods and I have been discussing the pros and cons of starting a new sub-forum for just these types of discussions...current events, politics, etc. as viewed thru the lens of the Law of One. If we could work peacefully and respectfully on those issues, it would be very powerful indeed! But if we can't get past our disagreements with love and respect, then it would be counterproductive.
The fate of that new forum will be influenced by how this thread turns out. If this thread continues to decline, then yeah, we may lock it or delete it. We'll see what happens.
Hi Monica,
The real reason that I recommend removing the thread is due to it's remarkable lack of discussion of the issue "through the lens of the Law of One" as you suggest. As a matter of fact, I was not able to locate a single reference to the Law of One or any other Confederation material thus far in the thread. I actually agree that it might be beneficial to consider the issue with respect to the Law of One.
If the moderators intended to use this thread as a test case, I think they should have clearly stated as such, and identified ground rules for the discussion. Instead it seems to have become a simple venue for rehashing a number of conspiracy theories and pseudoscience that seem to me to better fit on other, less spiritual, websites.
Shall we try considering the topic through the Law of One?
Here's one of my favorite quotes from Ra regarding disease:
The Law of One, Book I, Session 23 Wrote:Questioner: I was really questioning about the more basic cause of disease rather than the mechanism of its transmission. I was going back to the root of thought that created the possibility of disease. Could you briefly tell me if I am correct in assuming the general reduction of thought over the long time on planet Earth with respect to the Law of One created a condition whereby what we call disease could develop? Is this correct?
Ra: I am Ra. This is correct and perceptive. You, as questioner, begin now to penetrate the outer teachings.
The root cause in this particular society was not so much a bellicose action although there were, shall we say, tendencies, but rather the formation of a money system and a very active trading and development of those tendencies towards greed and power; thus, the enslaving of entities by other entities and the misapprehension of the Creator within each entity.
Let us remember that diseases are very much a product of our own creation. By taking this personal responsibility for our lives and our actions, we can avoid the conspiracy all together. You see, if we are calling the virus into existence, then it really doesn't matter if the vehicle we use to create it is evolution or intentional action on the part of nefarious souls. Our response is the same: Take care of ourselves and learn the lessons that are presented to us. These lessons may include being sick and healing ourselves, our family members, our friends and even strangers. The lessons may also involve encouraging others, that believe that vaccination will help them, to get vaccinated. It may also include providing support to those that choose not to get vaccinated. It's all about service and supporting our fellow humans.
Personally, I reject the idea that a lesson to be learned is to bring attention to the fraud. In my opinion, doing so simply gives people another reason to play the part of victim and bemoan their fate in life because "other people are doing bad things to them". Perhaps the biggest issue that I have with conspiracy theories is that they reinforce the notion that people are not individually responsible for things that happen to them. If someone took a vaccine and later became ill, it seems much more productive to me to focus on how to get better by learning the lesson that the disease offers, rather than to worry about who is to "blame" for the illness (the same could be said of any "misfortune" that befalls an individual). Didn't thousands or even millions of other people take the vaccine and have no ill effect? The illness is clearly the responsibility of the individual. Looking for causes outside of the individual is a waste of time and energy, and so in my humble opinion, is looking for conspiracies that brought the disease and it's potentially harmful antidote into existence. If you want to find the culprit at the root of the conspiracy, then look no further than the nearest mirror.
Love and Light,
3D Sunset