03-09-2012, 01:13 PM
(03-09-2012, 10:29 AM)Shemaya Wrote: I love Jesus, but since starting on this spiritual quest my ideas about him have been completely turned upside down. The Ra story doesn't feel like the Jesus I think of....but that's Ok because maybe Ra is speaking of a different Jesus. And maybe it was a metaphor or a detuned session or I just don't want to believe this particular story.
Much of what we have been taught about Jesus isn't true...stories/myths that give us a perspective that Sts folks have used against us to manipulate and control.
Sweety, if the Ra story about Jesus doesn't resonate with you, than don't believe in that!! It is your own image that is important! It is that image that creates the thought-forms, and you become a co-Creator of positive vibrations on this planet. What is true or not, we will see that, when passing into the larger life, but it doesn't matter *now*. That's my advice anyway. To toss the Ra story about Jesus away, and get back to that "home" image of Jesus that you've had in your heart/mind.