but once again, are you claiming that tantra thus is automatically negative? Are you claiming that a multi-orgasmic male is "working with dark forces"? Or are you saying that all sexually oriented energies are negative? And I'm not sure that ALL entities of Draco or any other system, would be so uniform? Or that it is not possible to utilize positive energies in these practices? Or that men are disillusioned and don't know how to tell the difference? Also, is this expressing that high sexual pleasure for men or women is a negative thing
Hi Az, oh my where do I start. All of what I said are examples. In truth just like we on earth, those who have lived in the past and are in another dimension have gifts and also personal issues, just as we do here.
Just as we know we shouldn't assume any other person, is "perfect" no matter if they are a movie-star, religious leader, politician or girlfriend. We also can apply this in the spirit world as they have lived just as difficult and often much worse lives then we are living now.
Ultimately all humans and spirits are serving themselves if you study it from a much broader sense. When we gift and do things for and with others though it appears as service, it serves us and our deeper need by making us feel valuable, useful and makes life more meaningful. We can't escape service to ourselves because in loving others we serve ourselves.
This is also true in the spirit world. Just as Here we might have a friendship where we both offer something to each other, the same is true in the spirit world. We most often EXCHANGING something. If someone is taking from us, what are we getting in return. In the example of the vampire who is a predator and is "taking" energy there is also an exchange and that is of a euphoric feeling but also a feeling that the victims are wanted/needed.
Most of the time we don't realize we are "exchanging" because we are in an addictive state with it. This is due to our emotional blockages and injuries from our past. We don't need to dissect it to be free of it.
We don't realize that, for example: when we mow someone's yard as a favor, it may because we want their love and approval. Or it could be other reasons, perhaps we want them to help us move next week.
That is a boring example but fits to much of our everyday life experiences. Most of what pushes the world to go around, and also be screwed up is the desire for love and acceptance from others. Once you have it for yourself, it becomes unnecessary to receive from others.
Some are blocked for the need to connect with others, this is a different topic and subject I won't go into now.
In the spirit world we are also being influenced and exchanging just as here. Perhaps a spirit wants to feel very important "like a guide" so he assembles himself to appear as this, and pans out advice. Some will appear as angels and be as loving as them, just to get the approval and adoration and recognition from us here that they are that, even if they are not. The spirit realms have as many facades, games and frauds as we have right here on earth.
So whatever the influences should also be seen as offerings. If you decided to paint a painting you could be influenced from every artist that ever lived should you tune in to your desire and attract them into your experience.
Hi Az, oh my where do I start. All of what I said are examples. In truth just like we on earth, those who have lived in the past and are in another dimension have gifts and also personal issues, just as we do here.
Just as we know we shouldn't assume any other person, is "perfect" no matter if they are a movie-star, religious leader, politician or girlfriend. We also can apply this in the spirit world as they have lived just as difficult and often much worse lives then we are living now.
Ultimately all humans and spirits are serving themselves if you study it from a much broader sense. When we gift and do things for and with others though it appears as service, it serves us and our deeper need by making us feel valuable, useful and makes life more meaningful. We can't escape service to ourselves because in loving others we serve ourselves.
This is also true in the spirit world. Just as Here we might have a friendship where we both offer something to each other, the same is true in the spirit world. We most often EXCHANGING something. If someone is taking from us, what are we getting in return. In the example of the vampire who is a predator and is "taking" energy there is also an exchange and that is of a euphoric feeling but also a feeling that the victims are wanted/needed.
Most of the time we don't realize we are "exchanging" because we are in an addictive state with it. This is due to our emotional blockages and injuries from our past. We don't need to dissect it to be free of it.
We don't realize that, for example: when we mow someone's yard as a favor, it may because we want their love and approval. Or it could be other reasons, perhaps we want them to help us move next week.
That is a boring example but fits to much of our everyday life experiences. Most of what pushes the world to go around, and also be screwed up is the desire for love and acceptance from others. Once you have it for yourself, it becomes unnecessary to receive from others.
Some are blocked for the need to connect with others, this is a different topic and subject I won't go into now.
In the spirit world we are also being influenced and exchanging just as here. Perhaps a spirit wants to feel very important "like a guide" so he assembles himself to appear as this, and pans out advice. Some will appear as angels and be as loving as them, just to get the approval and adoration and recognition from us here that they are that, even if they are not. The spirit realms have as many facades, games and frauds as we have right here on earth.
So whatever the influences should also be seen as offerings. If you decided to paint a painting you could be influenced from every artist that ever lived should you tune in to your desire and attract them into your experience.