03-07-2012, 09:07 PM
Azrael's biggest problem is that his temporary physical thinking is as yet unable to catch up with the vast amount of ancient wisdom that is stored within his consciousness. He has made some astonishing remarks in this forum that I have rarely seen elsewhere. Many have been completely overseen by most. They have not gone unnoticed my be.
We all are born into these temporary forms in such a way that it takes a certain degree of physical development to reach or to be able to acquire the memories and knowledge that is stored within our conscio9usness. Sometimes it is a certain trigger that opens up that connection and all hell breakes loose. Many times it is too much for our temporary form to bear and we end up in a state of insanity. Many times this awakening occurs at a very young age, and the child is suddenly exposed to a consciousness that is more amcient than anyone can imagine. In all cases, each of us experiences these temporary forms based upon this evolution of our consciousness and what our previous experiences bring to us as opportunities to expand on that wisdom and knowledge.
Azrael, have patience my frind. You are already aware that you have access to ancient wisdom. The ability to balance that with this temporary state will happen, as you continue to struggle with it. to give up would simply put you in the position of having to do this all over again in another temporary identity. The DANGER now, is that because of the cycle that this density is now in, having to start over now could cause you to begin another hundred thousand year cycle. I would not give up what I have managed at this point just because I do not have the patience for it. Heed me on this friend.
As to your eloquent post, I point out that somewhere between dark and light there is grey. And at each end of that reality are the extremes of dark and light. I would advise all to remind themselves of this because ignoring the extremes does not mean they do not exist.
If there is one sure thing that cannot be argued in this existence it is that there is always choice. Oftentimes it may not seem so to some of us who find ourselves at the mercy of the power and control of others. But the reality is that despite the cost that might be involved, be it loss of family, loss of life, loss of security, etc., we all have a choice as to which way we walk from that point on.
There IS direction; always. the universe is not a chaos of swirling possibiltiies and illusions as many of you continue to profess. The universe is the Grand Design of the Intelligent Energy of the Intelligent Infinity. I call it The Source or the Infinite Spirit, as this is the way the Ancients have always referred to it. I am not comfortabe with the new age terminologies simply because I am very much in tune with my ancient wisdom. And by that I do not mean my higher intellect. I mean the field of consciousness from which my own interacts the most to draw information, memory and knowledge from. Just like the swallow draws from a specific field of consciousness to migrate and to fly in synch with its brethren.
There IS Grand Design. There IS direction. And there are natural consequences for which directions we choose to go, based upon the Laws of the Cosmos and this Grand design.
The Ouroboros might have its tail in its mouth, but it followed a particular direction to get there. there IS forward and backward. One way leads to the Light of the Infinite Spirit, and the other way leads back into what has already been created.
What has already been created is manifestation; the material world, MATTER. Within this manifestation both spirit and matter coexist. But at each extreme there is only the Infinite Spirit, void of matter.
We are the fragmented consciousness of that Source. And as such we experience not only the manifestation of matter, but also the direction and purpose of the Grand Design.
We do not have the opportunity to cast off these truths just because we become awakened to the truth of our consciousness and true identity. Just because we realize the Oneness of the All and our divinity within it, does not mean that the Grand design and Direction suddenly changes. We still have choices to make in that regard.
Will we walk toward the Light or walk toward the Dark? It is simple. Direction! As we walk those different directions we will see that if we go one way the grey will become incerasing more Light, and in the opposite direction the grey becomes increasing more dark. It is not a matter of evil and righteousness, it is merely a matter of Grand Design. The One does not alter this fact.
And what we find on those paths is that those who choose to walk toward the Dark, inevitably experience things related to that darkness, which in these temporary forms of flesh seems very pleasurable and seductive. The further one goes in that direction the more addictive it becomes. Because of that an attachment for the flesh and matter slows down their progress toward the Infinite Spirit which all things move toward. Thus we find revealed the characteristics, attributes and personallities of those who immerse themselves on that path. Self gratification becomes far more appealing than service to others; the material world far more enticing than the spiritual.
This identity of temporary flesh is simply one aspect of that path where the seductions are more important than the direction. The next identity will be able to use the previous life's experiences to realize that, but it can be a very long and slow process of reincarnation and realization. This individual that we think we are now, which we think is how we develop our consciousness, is nothing more than a vehicle for our consciousness and our true idenity.
We speak of learning this, and understanding that, and we talk of intelligence and wisdom. And we do it as though we are talking about it with regard to this illusionary identity that we have attached ourselves to, in ignorance of the fact that our true identiy is NOT this individual we think we are. You are not you. I am not me. We are We.
Our vehicle is not who we are. It is the method by which we travel. We don't go out and sit in the car in our driveway and begin to think we are a Buick. Why do we sit in this vehicle of flesh and think we are flesh? It is because we are either ignorant of the truth, or because we enjoy the flesh so much that we deliberately choose to live as such, defying the truth.
Do not be fooled by what you see in the mirror. Make choices based upon what you have become aware of. And know that those choices are directional and have consequences that you cannot alter.
We all are born into these temporary forms in such a way that it takes a certain degree of physical development to reach or to be able to acquire the memories and knowledge that is stored within our conscio9usness. Sometimes it is a certain trigger that opens up that connection and all hell breakes loose. Many times it is too much for our temporary form to bear and we end up in a state of insanity. Many times this awakening occurs at a very young age, and the child is suddenly exposed to a consciousness that is more amcient than anyone can imagine. In all cases, each of us experiences these temporary forms based upon this evolution of our consciousness and what our previous experiences bring to us as opportunities to expand on that wisdom and knowledge.
Azrael, have patience my frind. You are already aware that you have access to ancient wisdom. The ability to balance that with this temporary state will happen, as you continue to struggle with it. to give up would simply put you in the position of having to do this all over again in another temporary identity. The DANGER now, is that because of the cycle that this density is now in, having to start over now could cause you to begin another hundred thousand year cycle. I would not give up what I have managed at this point just because I do not have the patience for it. Heed me on this friend.
As to your eloquent post, I point out that somewhere between dark and light there is grey. And at each end of that reality are the extremes of dark and light. I would advise all to remind themselves of this because ignoring the extremes does not mean they do not exist.
If there is one sure thing that cannot be argued in this existence it is that there is always choice. Oftentimes it may not seem so to some of us who find ourselves at the mercy of the power and control of others. But the reality is that despite the cost that might be involved, be it loss of family, loss of life, loss of security, etc., we all have a choice as to which way we walk from that point on.
There IS direction; always. the universe is not a chaos of swirling possibiltiies and illusions as many of you continue to profess. The universe is the Grand Design of the Intelligent Energy of the Intelligent Infinity. I call it The Source or the Infinite Spirit, as this is the way the Ancients have always referred to it. I am not comfortabe with the new age terminologies simply because I am very much in tune with my ancient wisdom. And by that I do not mean my higher intellect. I mean the field of consciousness from which my own interacts the most to draw information, memory and knowledge from. Just like the swallow draws from a specific field of consciousness to migrate and to fly in synch with its brethren.
There IS Grand Design. There IS direction. And there are natural consequences for which directions we choose to go, based upon the Laws of the Cosmos and this Grand design.
The Ouroboros might have its tail in its mouth, but it followed a particular direction to get there. there IS forward and backward. One way leads to the Light of the Infinite Spirit, and the other way leads back into what has already been created.
What has already been created is manifestation; the material world, MATTER. Within this manifestation both spirit and matter coexist. But at each extreme there is only the Infinite Spirit, void of matter.
We are the fragmented consciousness of that Source. And as such we experience not only the manifestation of matter, but also the direction and purpose of the Grand Design.
We do not have the opportunity to cast off these truths just because we become awakened to the truth of our consciousness and true identity. Just because we realize the Oneness of the All and our divinity within it, does not mean that the Grand design and Direction suddenly changes. We still have choices to make in that regard.
Will we walk toward the Light or walk toward the Dark? It is simple. Direction! As we walk those different directions we will see that if we go one way the grey will become incerasing more Light, and in the opposite direction the grey becomes increasing more dark. It is not a matter of evil and righteousness, it is merely a matter of Grand Design. The One does not alter this fact.
And what we find on those paths is that those who choose to walk toward the Dark, inevitably experience things related to that darkness, which in these temporary forms of flesh seems very pleasurable and seductive. The further one goes in that direction the more addictive it becomes. Because of that an attachment for the flesh and matter slows down their progress toward the Infinite Spirit which all things move toward. Thus we find revealed the characteristics, attributes and personallities of those who immerse themselves on that path. Self gratification becomes far more appealing than service to others; the material world far more enticing than the spiritual.
This identity of temporary flesh is simply one aspect of that path where the seductions are more important than the direction. The next identity will be able to use the previous life's experiences to realize that, but it can be a very long and slow process of reincarnation and realization. This individual that we think we are now, which we think is how we develop our consciousness, is nothing more than a vehicle for our consciousness and our true idenity.
We speak of learning this, and understanding that, and we talk of intelligence and wisdom. And we do it as though we are talking about it with regard to this illusionary identity that we have attached ourselves to, in ignorance of the fact that our true identiy is NOT this individual we think we are. You are not you. I am not me. We are We.
Our vehicle is not who we are. It is the method by which we travel. We don't go out and sit in the car in our driveway and begin to think we are a Buick. Why do we sit in this vehicle of flesh and think we are flesh? It is because we are either ignorant of the truth, or because we enjoy the flesh so much that we deliberately choose to live as such, defying the truth.
Do not be fooled by what you see in the mirror. Make choices based upon what you have become aware of. And know that those choices are directional and have consequences that you cannot alter.