12-07-2009, 01:47 AM
(This post was last modified: 12-07-2009, 01:49 AM by ExperiencedGhost.)
@Bring4th_Monica, unfortunately there is a handfull of people that do want to wipe out the vast majority of the people. There are too much people to be controlled. Enough people that comes forward with this information and I mean with name and face. Already less children are born each year, this through the stuff they put in the food. Some sterilisation is the result of it. Now remember codex alimentarius that goes active on januari 1. More geneticaly modified vegtables (that is already the cause of an increase of cancercases in the US and Germany) and less nutricious adjunct and instead more pesticides that replaces htose nutricious adjunct in food. That's just a part of that codex alimentarius. They do want decrease the population but are doing that slowly. Food, drinks, air (chemtrail but has other functions as well) and so on. They are doing this already and are increasing their activities. This is just fact. Doctors are reading their scientific magazine that is someway in the hands of the nwo, so they are misled.
Different virusses were created and spread in the third world countries. In Ukraine now they had a mix of the plague/pneumonia. Their longs are burning up literally ! The people saw the planes who spread that in the air and so on. If you want to know... illuminati game cards and protocols of zion (time of king solomon believe or not !) would be a good start if you want to know their intentions !
But there are just too little armed men that are in the control of the elite of the satanic nwo throughout the world. Everything is just an illusion that their created. The society for example. You must see the whole not juist one part of it. That's what everybody is doing and they do not see the created reality they live in.
Like I said, just a handfull of nutcases running the world. Now Russia is preparing itself for war. Like I said... nutcases.
If the people would refuse for once the crap that politicians are selling us and say NO for once, imaging they would loss instantly their power. So our biggest wapen is love and compassion, they can't coop with that and are powerless aganst that. So they create fear and chaos. But more and more people are opening their sleeping eyes. They expect us to behave violently as a reaction on their poison vaccination, but no... people are not doing this even if they know the thruth about that. Many many pregnant women have lost their child after being vaccinated, babies becomes autistic, kids paralyzed, adults will have to deal with chronic illnes the coming few years... list is long enough. Do you know Jane Burgemeister ? http://www.theflucase.com/ Read the criminal charges (menu above). Every country is waking up even if the president is freemason and part of the nwo. People do not accept this silent genocide and are staying calm, womething they didn't anticipated !
I could go on and on... We the people have the right to choose and have chosen for no violence but refusing the order to be poisoned.
And yes, always stay positive...
Different virusses were created and spread in the third world countries. In Ukraine now they had a mix of the plague/pneumonia. Their longs are burning up literally ! The people saw the planes who spread that in the air and so on. If you want to know... illuminati game cards and protocols of zion (time of king solomon believe or not !) would be a good start if you want to know their intentions !
But there are just too little armed men that are in the control of the elite of the satanic nwo throughout the world. Everything is just an illusion that their created. The society for example. You must see the whole not juist one part of it. That's what everybody is doing and they do not see the created reality they live in.
Like I said, just a handfull of nutcases running the world. Now Russia is preparing itself for war. Like I said... nutcases.
If the people would refuse for once the crap that politicians are selling us and say NO for once, imaging they would loss instantly their power. So our biggest wapen is love and compassion, they can't coop with that and are powerless aganst that. So they create fear and chaos. But more and more people are opening their sleeping eyes. They expect us to behave violently as a reaction on their poison vaccination, but no... people are not doing this even if they know the thruth about that. Many many pregnant women have lost their child after being vaccinated, babies becomes autistic, kids paralyzed, adults will have to deal with chronic illnes the coming few years... list is long enough. Do you know Jane Burgemeister ? http://www.theflucase.com/ Read the criminal charges (menu above). Every country is waking up even if the president is freemason and part of the nwo. People do not accept this silent genocide and are staying calm, womething they didn't anticipated !
I could go on and on... We the people have the right to choose and have chosen for no violence but refusing the order to be poisoned.
And yes, always stay positive...