03-07-2012, 04:20 PM
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2012, 04:37 PM by Tenet Nosce.)
(03-07-2012, 03:53 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Taoism states that "women have the power." Might this be what they were referring to?
Could be. I know my views are sometimes a bit unusual, but it has always seemed to me that the women are in charge, when it comes to sexual matters. As a potential mate, the man gets chosen, and not the other way around. Though there is this whole (in my opinion, ridiculous) charade that goes on whereby women let the men believe that it is the other way around.
I've been frustrated by this in the past because I refuse to play into that game, and there are many women who insist it be played. Especially at younger ages. So it resulted in much alone time and a fair amount of negativity over that. Though in the end, I am happy I held out like a stubborn old goat!
But getting back to this dynamic... it reminds me of the stories about how in the distant past, women were the ones who were naturally thought to be most fit to be rulers. Which I could agree with.
Although, as one of the stories goes, it was actually some of the women who first sought to abuse their power, and to take it away from their sisters whom they were avowed to share it with.
Thus were men first employed as protectors. Basically human shields to protect against these perceived attacks against one another. I am not sure if any of these plots ever came to fruition. But as the story goes, eventually some of the men got the "bright" idea to overthrow the women and take the power for themselves. (Wonder where they got that idea!)
So anyway, the men eventually overthrew the women, raped everybody, and set themselves up as the rulers. Then they went around and systematically destroyed any evidence that the women were ever in power in the first place. This included killing any women who dared to pass down the old traditions.
But that is just a story I heard... I don't even remember where it came from. Likely it is a syncretism of a bunch of other things I've come across.
Whether or not it is true, I think there is a lesson learned which is that the only way forward is together. What matters is that these dramas are still carried out today in many ways in our personal lives... this endless exchange of lies and false assumptions just needs to stop, in my opinion. Man-bashing is no better than woman-bashing. And these days it seems more socially acceptable for woman to act denigrating to men than the other way around. For example, I know a few women who, whenever they are quoting their mate will make a buffoonish-sounding voice as if anything which could possibly come out of their man's mouth is pure idiocy.
So some men are idiotic pigs. So what? If some women don't like that, they can choose not to encourage these men by having sex with them and giving birth to their babies. After all, they are the ones in power, right? If somebody is going to clean up our gene pool, it is going to be the women!

I mean... look at this Rush Limbaugh flap... I can't figure out why this guy gets any sort of attention, whatsoever! Definitely not a good specimen for breeding...