(03-05-2012, 11:48 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: That is interesting... to think about it in terms of music. For example, in the western system of music we are most familiar with there are seven notes in a scale and twelve in an octave. But in Indian music they recognize 22 different notes in an octave. Of course, in the ultimate sense one could tune a string to an infinite number of notes. Still... I do think there is some objective validity to the seven chakra system, based upon the anatomy and physiology of the human body.
yes, that taps into my thought...that the categorization we have is based on a system that can be described in a infinite number of notes/ vibrations, and harmonies. So the the expression of energy can be like a symphony or an acoustic guitar....mutiple layers and qualities of sound, or very simplified. As far as an objective validity to the chakra system, I think the energies blend like the light spectrum or sound spectrum, the specific delineation between say orange and yellow is a bit arbitrary...I think that's why we see different spiritual teachings ascribing qualities and function of each chakra differently, ie Ra seems to ascribe sexuality to the root chakra, but other teachings I have come across would emphasize the sacral chakra. And I would think it's a blending of all the chakra energies, or at least it can be, but is not in all experiences.
(03-05-2012, 11:48 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Energetically speaking, I tend to think of male and female energy as counterrotating spirals. We can use terms like "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" to discern between the direction of rotation, however these terms are relative to perspective.....
Beyond these rotational directions, there are other qualities which emerge from a spiral, such as contraction and expansion.
I prefer to think of the complementary energies in our physical/energy bodies as yin and yang. Simply because of the cultural and conditioned baggage behind the terms "male " and "female". Related to that, both men and women have the male/female energies within them. I think we have a strong tendency to ascribe yin to women, and yang to male, but in truth I think we each have both.
Thinking from a physiologic perspective I can think of two mechanism that have been described to have these two basic movements. The primary respiratory mechanism, also known as the cranio-sacral rhythm is decribed as both an expansion/contraction and a inward/ outward rotation. When tuned into it you can feel that very thing on the body , expand/contract or internal/external rotation. I have also found a similar teaching in Anusara yoga, an inward spiral and outward spiral is taught. That is in viewing the body from the front. From a side view, there are counterotational spirals as gears spinning. That is really interesting perspective -wise, because we tend to think of chakras as front/back, but that is probably oversimplified.
(03-05-2012, 11:48 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: I suppose there is no rule which says that the predominating energy on each level needs to alternate, however when I think of a person who is energetically balanced that is the image which comes to my mind.interesting, I would add that with an energetically balanced person there would be and equal and symmetric relationship of the complementary spirals/ rotation.
(03-05-2012, 11:47 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: Yes, and not only that, but the orgasmic experience changes and evolves, as the relationship evolves and as blockages are cleared.
Yes, that is very true. [/quote]
Yes for sure, a long-term relationship is a wonderful opportunity to clear blockages and evolve and create more expansive and expressive experiences. For myself, when I think back at how needy I was when I was 22, how I needed my husband to "complete me". Now I feel whole within myself and the experience is not based on need for me at all ( I think, at least what i am consciously aware of

Hey Ali, I appreciate your gentle way of expressing yourself and communicating (related to the communication difficulties in this thread.) I can totally relate to communication difficulties, a huge part of my incarnational lessons this time around

Hearing and being heard, heart, ear art, earth. I try to keep all those in mind when I am having trouble.
(03-06-2012, 05:36 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Since orgasm is a psychological reflex which occurs if conditions are met, the psychology of individuals and society is relevant. My point was that society is currently structured in a way where women often end up in a passive position. It's easy for a guy to achieve orgasm because since he's active he can mostly meet the conditions himself. For a woman it's less easy. Her conditions are the result of the guys behavior, so this requires either good communication, mind reading or a role reversal.
Things changed for me the less needy I became, in all ways, emotionally, psychology, physically. I am a professional and can take care of myself financially and physically, so that need is met for me. I was very emotionally needy when I was young and had the expectation that my husband would fill those needs, and to some extent it is good and proper that we meet each others emotional needs, but not to the extent of my unrealistic expectations at the time. So we have worked through alot of those lower chakra issues, not to say that we are perfect in the way we relate, but much better. My spiritual path and work has opened up our relationship immensely, to the extent that there is actual physical , grounded changes in my body, so that has made things better for both of us.
(03-06-2012, 05:36 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: a dance would be a more appropriate analogy.
Absolutely! love that analogy...I am battle weary myself

(03-06-2012, 05:36 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: a "Real man" or "Real woman" really is... Then you'll note that anything a real man or woman is, the other gender requires as well.
Amen to that! One thing that expands my heart is seeing a father care and nurture his children, a really beautiful thing.
(03-06-2012, 05:36 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Long story short, I think there's a gender spectrum and not so much a polarity.
Yes most definitely...I think because we all have both energies within us operating all the time whether called yin/yang, male /female. My conflict with men as a gender has essentially been my conflict with my inner "male"/animus.