(03-05-2012, 11:48 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: Energetically speaking, I tend to think of male and female energy as counterrotating spirals. We can use terms like "clockwise" and "counterclockwise" to discern between the direction of rotation, however these terms are relative to perspective. For example, if I held up a clock in front of my chest and you were to look directly at it, you would see the hands moving clockwise. But let's say my body were translucent and you were standing behind me looking through the back of the clock. To that perspective, the hands would appear to be moving counterclockwise.
Beyond these rotational directions, there are other qualities which emerge from a spiral, such as contraction and expansion. Personally speaking, I tend to associate the clockwise direction with contraction and the counterclockwise with expansion, although I accept the possibility that another could see it the opposite way.
The contraction spiral is what I think of as male energy, while the expansion spiral as female energy. I also get a sense that these alternate in neighboring densities. So, for example, in 2D or 4D it is the female polarity that manifests as contracting energy and the male as expanding energy.
Since the body is a microcosm of the universe, I imagine that a similar dynamic occurs. I understand that chakras are manifestation of these counterrotating energies... so if we were to imagine two overlapping spirals moving in opposite directions this is what they would look like.
Now in any given chakra, there is going to be a predominance of male (contracting) or female (expanding) energy. Yet the energy of orgasm is always expanding... therefore it will be more easily noticed on those levels where male energy predominates and there is more resistance to flow.
I suppose there is no rule which says that the predominating energy on each level needs to alternate, however when I think of a person who is energetically balanced that is the image which comes to my mind.
Wow, that's a lot to assimilate! I'll have to ponder that.
(03-05-2012, 11:48 PM)Tenet Nosce Wrote: So much suffering over such a simple misperceived thing. It's just a natural process. If one wants to have more physically intense orgasms, simply clench the abdomen as if one were in the grips of fear as the energy begins to rise. Nothing wrong with this from an ethical perspective, but I will say that there were a few times I took this to excess and the result was not entirely pleasant!
That also reminds me- there can be periods where orgasms just don't come as frequently or are as enjoyable. That's a normal process too, and can happen in both men and women.
Interesting observations. I don't really have anything to add because I've never observed these particular things. But it's cool how different the sexual experience can be for different people. Look at how we're all talking about 'the orgasm' but wouldn't it be wild if we weren't actually experiencing the same thing at all? Has anyone ever really compared the experience itself? Like they do with colors. We all think we're seeing the same blue, green, etc. but actually not everyone sees colors the same way.
I'm not volunteering! Just a random thought.