Isn't this a pharma/oil country? I know the plan is to send our manufacturing base out of the country. Been in the works for years.
Thought you might like this as well.
Thought you might like this as well.
Quote:I have read with great interest your article Fred and the replies received here.
However I feel that there is another important element to “food” that many do not give credence to.
I am a “sensitive” who has been able to feel the energy of different foods for a long time. So even with some “organic” foods I have left them on the shelf due to the “energy” of the food; either from the grower, the electromagnetic effect in the shop, negative energy output from shoppers themselves etc!
So I purchase food (I wish I was in a position to grow my own!) by the energy of the food. By also using the addition of kinesiology/crystal pendulum I can pick which foods/condiments/spices etc. are not good for me. My body “tells” me what it dosn’t want me to put in it.
Milk is a big NO, onions are out, bread only if sourdough etc.. So far this system of going by the energy of what is not good for me works.
However, you can also use the “energy of your thoughts” (a blessing?) to clear the energy of organic food that has been contaminated along it’s journey by negative energy.
The same applies for where we go out into the public – keeping our energy positiive, stay away from the negative – and know when your body says rest or “make a run for it” away from people!! Clearing the energy of the “virus” showing around us the same as our food helps.
Our body is the biggest indicator for telling us what it needs. Everything is comprised of “energy” – our own bodies will show us what food energy it requires to keep us balanced.