(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: My *personal* intention with providing societal "stereotypes" as you call them, was to make you to see that these are *not* what I meant.
Oh ok. I thought you and Ali both thought I was favoring stereotypes.
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: I was trying to express my view that our genders are colored and distorted by cultures, instead of having it end up as some kind of side-discussion.
Yes we all agree on that point. I'm trying to discuss Ra's and Q'uo's words without getting into cultural stereotypes. I wonder if we can do that...?
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: You said that a word "function" instead of a "role" is a better one for what you were trying to express. I choose to use the word "energy". There is feminine energy, and there is masculine energy.
Function and energy are 2 different things. Chakras have function, in regards to energies. I was trying to differentiate between an artificial 'role' and functional design.
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: I even thought that I was explaining my view on those quotes all the time, but see now that I have not succeeded. So I will try again and offer my interpretation of these again.
We both thought that! We are dealing with a complex topic, rife with biases and distortions, so it's understandable that we're having some challenges.
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: Before that, I want to add that I personally reacted at your first statement
(02-27-2012, 02:26 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: My interpretation of Ra's words on the subject is that women have a sacred responsibility to help guide men from mere lust (lower chakras only) to the spiritual expression of sexuality (communion on the higher chakras also).
as women having a responsibility to help to guide men from mere lust to the spiritual expression of sexuality. This is what caused my personal reaction
Yes, I get that you and Ali reacted to my choice of word responsibility. I tried to clarify that here:
(03-01-2012, 09:20 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote:(03-01-2012, 05:20 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: It is worth considering that Ra notes that Chakras 1,3,5 have distinctly male overtones; whereas, chakras 2,4,6 have distinctly female ones. If we are to sort out specific honors or responsibilities (recall that every honor is also a responsibility)
Ah! So that's why I chose the word responsibility without even thinking about it! Thank you!
Maybe this will help:
Quote:3.6 Questioner: At the last session we had two questions that we were saving for this session: one having to do with the possible capstone on top of the Great Pyramid at Giza; the other having to do with how you moved the heavy blocks that make up the pyramid. I know these questions are of no importance with respect to the Law of One, but it was my judgment—and please correct me if I am wrong, and make the necessary suggestions—that this would provide an easy entry for those who would read the material that will eventually become a book. We are very grateful for your contact and will certainly take any suggestions as to how we should receive this information.
Ra: I am Ra. I will not suggest the proper series of questions. This is your prerogative as free agent of the Law of One having learned/understood that our social memory complex cannot effectually discern the distortions of the societal mind/body/spirit complex of your peoples. We wish now to fulfill our teach/learning honor/responsibility by answering what is asked. This only will suffice for we cannot plumb the depths of the distortion complexes which infect your peoples.
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: In other posts you stated other things, but, and I don't know how much more clear I can be on this than simply saying that - I don't agree with your interpretation of that particular Ra quote,
No problem! It's ok to disagree!
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: as it is offered in that particular quote of yours. Later on you stated many other things, which surely caused me confusion as well, so I still can't seem to understand, Monica. So, honestly - and I don't know how much more clear I can be than this - what do you mean by the above statement of yours?
Does the Ra quote I just posted help to clarify why I chose that word?
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: My personal interpretation of the Ra quote: The energies (masculine and feminine) are transfered in sexual energy transfer. The requirement for that transfer is an activation of the green ray. Meaning that both Ra and Q'uo are talking about what happens *after a green ray activation* in sexual energy transfer. *Before* this activation there is no transfer of these energies, that which you seem to talk about
I already agreed with that, and specified that, even before there is energy transfer, there is still catalyst offered by both. The honor/responsibility has to do with catalyst at that point, and it has to do with energy transfer later if the relationship develops to that point.
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: neither in the Ra material nor the Q'uo sessions, is there any advice to women to guide men into higher centers from the lower ones, as an activation of the green center means that the male is already in the "higher centers". Do you have any quotes to point me into this direction - I would gladly reconsider my understanding and opinion.
Well I already provided the quote which, in my interpretation, does indeed offer this advice:
Bring4th_Monica Wrote:Wait, it gets better:
Q'uo Wrote:If you are a woman, you treasure yourself. You do not worry about having an orgasm, as if it were the same thing as a man’s orgasm for, my friends, it is not. Certainly it can be made rough and primitive. It can have the energy simply of sexual congress in the red ray. However, it is far more likely for the feminine temperament to appreciate what’s going on when that orgasm happens to her. For a woman tends to have more of a connection with the unseen world. So, she is actually more aware of the kind of energy that is pouring through her when she is expressing an orgasm physically.
Consequently, a woman in that position is a priestess, just as a man is a priest, in sexual intercourse when they are working together sacredly. But to the man goes that kind of energy that is called by this instrument “yang,” to the woman goes the energy that is considered by this instrument “yin,” so that, in the sexual energy exchange that is sacred in nature, from the man comes that powerful energy of physical wellness and vitality—that which you think of when you think of the word “masculine.”
What the feminine offers is the inspiration from spirit. That is the other portion of that male expression of strength, power and virility. The woman is expressing acceptance, unconditional love, and the energy of the Creator Itself. For you see, the woman, unlike man, is possessed of a direct route or connection to the womb of, shall we say, Mother Nature or the red-ray energy of planet Earth.
The woman has that sea of infinity and eternity flowing through her. She is much closer to her priestliness because she must tend to the circumstances of her menses monthly and she feels the pull of the moon, the tides, and her passions in a way that, generally speaking, men are not encouraged to do in your culture.
Since you interpret it differently, then I don't think anything else I could say would alter that. We may have to just agree to disagree!
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: Right now my understanding and opinion is that our polarity differences of females and males, are much more subtle than people think, and I personally do not see these differences that clearly (and that is where I was trying to point out that I see the societal roles as distorted. They are "social/cultural" and are what I call, in the most times driven by an auto-pilot mode).
In my opinion, Ra and Q'uo both seem to indicate the differences aren't just societal or subtle, but very distinct, in terms of function as related to energies. That is the point I'm trying to make.
(03-02-2012, 07:41 AM)Ankh Wrote: I do not see anywhere in the session/Ra quote that it is a female who will guide a male from lower centers into higher ones. Do you?
Yes I do, in the Q'uote I just posted. But Ankh, you are leaving out much of what I said. Respectfully, you are oversimplifying my words. I attempted to draw a distinction between a man whose green ray is activated, and his translation of that to sex. That is the part you are missing. Anything else I could say would be repeating what I've already said, so I will stop here for now. Peace.
(03-02-2012, 08:47 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Yes, this is what I responded and objected to...
I compared the sentence to the old and fortunately mostly forgotten idea that women need men to help them to think properly.
Good heavens, Ali, I thought you knew me better than that!
(03-02-2012, 08:47 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I understand that Monica's view is not as biased as this sentence seems to portrey it.
"Not AS biased..." Oh now I feel soooo much better! I'm still biased, just not as biased. LOL!
(03-02-2012, 08:47 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: We got a badly distorted understanding of her position due to this unfortunate sentence.
Yes indeed. Which is why I think it's important to remember whom we are talking to, when interpreting the written words of another person, in an impersonal internet forum, without benefit of facial expressions, tone of voice, etc. I might suggest asking: "Is this person sexist? What do I know about this person? Hmmmm....I know she's a fiercely independent woman. Therefore, this statement seems a bit out of sync with the way she is...Gosh, could it be possible that's not what she meant at all?"
(03-02-2012, 08:47 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: But we got there in the end
Did we?
(03-02-2012, 08:47 AM)Ali Quadir Wrote: We are not divided into two groups. We are a spectrum of sexuality and gender identity. And each individual within that spectrum occupies a valid position.
Still, there is that elephant in the room...