03-02-2012, 07:41 AM
(03-01-2012, 09:20 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: I didn't feel any indignation; I sensed indignation from both you and Ali when I expressed my understanding of Ra/Q'uo's words about gender differences. My statements seemed to really push some buttons. (Just my perception.)
If you disagree with my interpretation, then what is your interpretation?
I understand your opinion. But so far, you haven't addressed the quotes.
No. Respectfully, you don't seem to have addressed the quotes.
I feel like we are not communicating. I know we're both trying our darndest, but our conversation is following 2 tracks. I'm puzzled why you and Ali both continue to reference society stereotypes. Does anyone else see what I see in the quotes? I don't see them as referring to cultural roles at all.
I'm grasping at words here...not sure how to offer clarification.
Monica, I feel that too, that we are not communicating. I am trying my best to offer my understandings, and I understand that you do too, but we don't seem to succeed. So I will drop all other side-discussions. My *personal* intention with providing societal "stereotypes" as you call them, was to make you to see that these are *not* what I meant. I was trying to express my view that our genders are colored and distorted by cultures, instead of having it end up as some kind of side-discussion.
You said that a word "function" instead of a "role" is a better one for what you were trying to express. I choose to use the word "energy". There is feminine energy, and there is masculine energy.
I even thought that I was explaining my view on those quotes all the time, but see now that I have not succeeded. So I will try again and offer my interpretation of these again.
Before that, I want to add that I personally reacted at your first statement, but I chose not to respond on that. Ali chose to reply to you about that, in his first post in this thread. That started a discussion between two of you. I was following it. My intention when later responding to one of your replies to him, was to offer my understanding of the confusion you two seemed to experience at that point, as I saw that you stated one thing in the post that Ali replied to at first, but then you offered another view, which is, as I saw it, was what caused the confusion between two of you. In your first statement, which is:
(02-27-2012, 02:26 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: My interpretation of Ra's words on the subject is that women have a sacred responsibility to help guide men from mere lust (lower chakras only) to the spiritual expression of sexuality (communion on the higher chakras also).
I understand it as you interpret the Ra quote, which is:
Ra Wrote:87.26 Questioner: In our illusion we have physical definitions for possible transfers of energy. We label them as the conversion of potential to kinetic or kinetic to heat and examine this with respect to the increasing entropy. When we speak of sexual energy transfers and other more basic forms of energy I am always at a loss to properly use, you might say, the terms since I am not understanding—and possibly can’t understand—the basic form of energy that we speak of. However, I intuit that this is the energy of pure vibration; that is, at the basic level of our illusion, that vibration between the space and time portion of the space/time continuum and yet somehow is transferred into our illusion in a more basic form than that. Could you expand on this area for me, please?
Ra: I am Ra. Yes.
Category: Sexual Energy Transfer
87.27 Questioner: Would you do that?
Ra: I am Ra. You are correct in assuming that the energy of which we speak in discussing sexual energy transfers is a form of vibratory bridge between space/time and time/space. Although this distinction is not apart from that which follows, that which follows may shed light upon that basic statement.
Due to the veiling process the energy transferred from male to female is different than that transferred from female to male. Due to the polarity difference of the mind/body/spirit complexes of male and female the male stores physical energy, the female mental and mental/emotional energy. When third-density sexual energy transfer is completed the male will have offered the discharge of physical energy. The female is, thereby, refreshed, having far less physical vitality. At the same time, if you will use this term, the female discharges the efflux of its stored mental and mental/emotional energy, thereby offering inspiration, healing, and blessing to the male which by nature is less vital in this area.
At this time may we ask for one more full query.
as women having a responsibility to help to guide men from mere lust to the spiritual expression of sexuality. This is what caused my personal reaction (don't know about Ali). As I said, I followed yours and Ali's discussions on that matter, and when you two seemed to experience confusion in that discussion, I tried to offer my understanding of the situation, to clear this confusion up.
In other posts you stated other things, but, and I don't know how much more clear I can be on this than simply saying that - I don't agree with your interpretation of that particular Ra quote, as it is offered in that particular quote of yours. Later on you stated many other things, which surely caused me confusion as well, so I still can't seem to understand, Monica. So, honestly - and I don't know how much more clear I can be than this - what do you mean by the above statement of yours?
My personal interpretation of the Ra quote: The energies (masculine and feminine) are transfered in sexual energy transfer. The requirement for that transfer is an activation of the green ray. Meaning that both Ra and Q'uo are talking about what happens *after a green ray activation* in sexual energy transfer. *Before* this activation there is no transfer of these energies, that which you seem to talk about - neither in the Ra material nor the Q'uo sessions, is there any advice to women to guide men into higher centers from the lower ones, as an activation of the green center means that the male is already in the "higher centers". Do you have any quotes to point me into this direction - I would gladly reconsider my understanding and opinion.
Right now my understanding and opinion is that our polarity differences of females and males, are much more subtle than people think, and I personally do not see these differences that clearly (and that is where I was trying to point out that I see the societal roles as distorted. They are "social/cultural" and are what I call, in the most times driven by an auto-pilot mode).
My personal interpretation of the Q'uo is basically the same. We possess different *energies* due polarity of being males and females. These differences may be seen and tranferred in sexual activity *when the green ray is activated*. Specifically speaking of the female orgasm, a female may offer all that that Q'uo/Ra state that females offer, but again, - I do not see anywhere in the session/Ra quote that it is a female who will guide a male from lower centers into higher ones. Do you?
As a green ray activation is required for these energy transfers to occur, a man is already in the "higher" centers, and not stuck in the lower ones. It is then the female may offer him that which she has to offer.