(03-01-2012, 05:20 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: It is worth considering that Ra notes that Chakras 1,3,5 have distinctly male overtones; whereas, chakras 2,4,6 have distinctly female ones. If we are to sort out specific honors or responsibilities (recall that every honor is also a responsibility)
Ah! So that's why I chose the word responsibility without even thinking about it! Thank you!

(03-01-2012, 05:20 PM)JustLikeYou Wrote: when it comes to the biological male and biological female during intercourse, it would only make sense that (in general) the male's honor is to bring an emphasis on red, yellow and blue energy while the female's honor is to bring an emphasis on orange, green and indigo. Though this seems excessively rigid, I would like to mention that for those who are not connected to their higher chakras, it is important to note that the female sex drive is linked primarily to the orange ray, whereas the male sex drive is linked primarily to the red ray. I tend to think that if it is the male's honor/responsibility to initiate intercourse (by the erection), then it is the female's honor/responsibility to make the first energetic shift by bringing the energy upward from red to orange. Then we can imagine that the honor again turns as the male moves the energy upward from orange to yellow, and so-forth in leap-frogging fashion until violet, which would probably not follow this pattern. This, of course, is only a hypothesis, and likely an incorrect one at that.
That's a very interesting hypothesis! And it made me think of the image of the Kundalini rising.
Speaking of which, I never knew before the significance of the snakes. I must have missed this in biology class. But a picture is worth 1000 words!
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: Do you mean that you are one of those who feel this indignation, or that you feel that there is resistance from for instance me towards what Ra/Q'uo said?
I didn't feel any indignation; I sensed indignation from both you and Ali when I expressed my understanding of Ra/Q'uo's words about gender differences. My statements seemed to really push some buttons. (Just my perception.)
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: I am not resistant to what they are saying, but as I pointed out, seem to interpret it differently than you perhaps; plus I also think that there might be some exceptions among entities upon whom what Ra/Q'uo said, in some of their statements, can not be applied.
Fair enough!
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: I am not sure that Ra was actually speaking in terms of *roles*, or were they?
Actually, I don't think they ever used the word role. That came up in this discussion. I don't think role is a good word. I think function is a better descriptor.
Role implies something fake, like a mask we put on but it isn't really us. Whereas, function is an impersonal, mechanical thing.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: I think it was a great idea of ever-changing energies in both men and women that you brought up, and that they did not mean men and women literally. But I don't know. In that case, each quote needs to be examined in order to see it.
Ra always chose their words carefully. I see no reason to think they didn't intend it literally.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: What do you mean by Ra/Q'uo are not limited by societal gender roles? You mean in our society or theirs or...?
They're certainly not limited by our society mores, and probably not by theirs either. They are no longer a 3D society like we are. And we're veiled, to boot!
They are a Social Memory Complex. I would think they no longer have, as Ali would call them, "artificial" expectations, but are free to express themselves authentically.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: I certainly believe that as the veil thins, the gender roles we assign ourselves through "culture" becoming visible, and we cease playing these roles, as more conscious awareness is awakened.
If indeed they are "roles" then yes. But if, as I understand Ra to say, they are not roles but functions, then the veil would have bearing on them.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: Then as you point out, this is a very confused planet. Personally I believe that there has been too much distortions in what you call "ancient wisdom".
Depends on which 'ancient wisdom' we're referring to. I find the ancient Judeo-Christian scriptures highly distorted, and even more so the further back you go; whereas, I find the Taoist and yogic teachings to have a deep resonance of truth (in the subject of sexuality) that was suppressed and even corrupted in the Judeo-Christian traditions.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: I remember you wrote that I always sound so sure and confindent in my posts. Well, I am not.I am just sharing my current understanding based on what I have to come to understand. And that changes as more/other facts/understandings are gained. Just wanted you to know that. =)
OK thanks!

(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: Here is the difference in our understandings, I believe. I see in the above Q'uo quote that it's when the green ray is applied, the female offers all that Q'uo/Ra state that the women offer, and vice versa in regards to men. While you are interpreting it as something that applies before the green ray affection,
No. I said before the sex act. I didn't say before green ray affection.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: and not only in sexual intimacy but also in everyday life.
This part is true. A woman might have green ray love for her partner for a long time before they have sex. This is the time period I'm referring to: the time when the relationship is developing into sexual, as well as afterwards.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: Meaning that in the everyday life, and before the green ray affection is activated in both entities, it is a woman's responsibility/honor to guide male from lower centers into the higher.
No. The way the woman guides the man emotionally is by activating green ray. That's what draws the energy upwards.
Of course, the man might activate green ray first, or it might happen at the same time. I'm not referring to 'just' romantic love here; obviously, both men and women are equally capable of romantic love. I'm specifically referring to the connection of romantic love to the sex act.
A man might love the woman just as much as the woman loves the man. But, in many cases, that romantic love might not be equated to the sex act as much as it is for the woman.
Please note that I am generalizing here, intentionally, to make a point. I 'get it' that there might be exceptions. I'm trying to explain what I think Ra and Q'uo meant.
Statistically, men often report that, when they've had affairs, it was no big deal because it was "just sex" and they "love" their wives. Whereas, scorned wives often report that they felt betrayed, as though their husbands no longer love them. The husband then says, "but of course I love you! I don't love her! I just had sex with her, that's all!"
This is a classic scenario. And before Ali offers some opposing statistics, I'm not claiming it's the only scenario. I'm saying it's a common scenario.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: And I don't agree with you here, as I think that both genders offer the catalysts which, if we choose to accept the honor to serve our partner, and also become consciously aware of our own lessons, will hopefully lead us from what you refer to as lower centers, or mere lust, to higher centers and sacred beingness.
I don't dispute that both genders offer the catalyst. Yes. But that's not what I'm referring to. I'm specifically referring to the Ra and Q'uo quotes.
If you disagree with my interpretation, then what is your interpretation?
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: It is not only woman's responsibility/honor to guide men in everyday life, but an honor of both, if both the woman and man chooses to consciously accept and work with this responsibility/honor, which is my personal opinion.
I understand your opinion. But so far, you haven't addressed the quotes.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: Of course I am not blind to visible roles that women and men play today in our societies. These roles, in my humble opinion, are more consisted of what I refer to as "culture".
I really don't think Ra or Q'uo were referring to culture. They were referring to function.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: This supports what I personally understand for the moment. The different energies that women respectively men posses, which I refer to as "nature", are exchanged in intimate moments, after activation of the green ray. Do you see the difference in our interpretations of Ra/Q'uo quote now?
No. Respectfully, you don't seem to have addressed the quotes.
(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: The differences that exist between these genders today in our society that are visible (i.e. you=man, go and fix the lawn; you=woman, go and cook some dinner) are more based on how we think that it is supposed to be, i.e. what I refer to as "culture". It's an auto-pilot mode. I don't think that women are born with genes for liking pink color and princesses, as I don't think that men are born with genes for liking fixing the lawn and cars (bad analogy perhaps, but hopefully I was now able to express what I understand for the moment).
I feel like we are not communicating. I know we're both trying our darndest, but our conversation is following 2 tracks. I'm puzzled why you and Ali both continue to reference society stereotypes. Does anyone else see what I see in the quotes? I don't see them as referring to cultural roles at all.
I'm grasping at words here...not sure how to offer clarification.

(03-01-2012, 05:50 PM)Ankh Wrote: The above, as I stated, are expressed in energy transfers, *after* an activation of the green ray. *Before* this activation occures, *both* genders help each other to come to that point - as I see it; while you state that this applies before the green ray activation, meaning that it is a woman's honor to guide man to this, before either her or him are there. While I say that before the green ray activation both genders, are helping each other, if chosen, to this activation, as long as both are still learning ways of love.
OK. Progress! Thank you. This presupposes that men and women have the same motivation for sex and emotional connection to sex, and equally able to translate their love for the other into sex.