03-01-2012, 09:33 AM
(02-29-2012, 09:23 PM)Bring4th_Monica Wrote: In addition, you seem to be viewing this from a physical evolution standpoint. (Please correct me if I'm wrong.) ie. viewing evolution of humans as a species, starting from the physical and evolving in consciousness.I am viewing this from a physical perspective yes. Not as evolving in consciousness as you think. Consciousness does not evolve as it is unchanging. However, our physical bodies evolve in their ability to reflect this unchanging eternal consciousnes.
Most of our psychological functions are physical in nature. Certainly the gender related ones... If we were to put your consciousness, your soul into my body you'd begin to act pretty much like me. You'd be me... In fact nothing is transferred, our consciousness is the same thing already you can't transfer a non local field.
You remember I always say there is but one soul, one consciousness? The difference between humans is distortion of the consciousness of intelligent infinity. Our body is like a filter that allows us to have a particular consciousness.
Quote:Normal literally means the average situation. When considering human life over the past 100 thousand years the last 7 thousand years do not represent the other 93 thousand years very well.(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Under normal circumstances I would agree. But the artificial roles imposed upon men and women do not allow us to consider much of the recent history to be considered normal circumstances...Why would the current roles be any more artificial than historical roles?
I am not saying that any time in history represents normality perse, but you can understand that the "fit" between our psyche and the demands from society is not optimal...
And that's all I am saying... We're not ourselves.
I think you'll agree we are not being ourselves in current society? Current society is not healthy for our gender image?
Quote:I suppose. Something else that also happens all the time is that people speak from their unconscious biasses while consciously not being aware of them. I accept now that I am mistaking and this is not what is going on here. But I admit that it is difficult to do so.(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I'll let it go then.. Call it what you want, I quoted you on all counts. But if you did not mean any of it like you appear to me to have written it. Then I'll just have to accept that.
What one perceives from the written words of another, isn't necessarily what the other person intended. Happens all the time on discussion forums.
You could help me perhaps? Laugh about your friend uncle ali that his mind is slow to accept certain realities.. Just spell them out properly for him next time

Quote:You are correct... I know with certainty that human physical bodies existed on earth for 200 thousand years. Sexual psychology existed long before that. You remind me that human bodies, supposedly with the same sexual polarity has existed for millions of years outside this world. I think we will agree that the gender bias on earth today is not part of the psychological makeup of many of our off world humanoid brethren.(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Let me rephrase my position... I think men and women evolved over hundreds of thousands of years, into a creature that is intrinsically pretty balanced.
Hundreds of thousands of years? When did Ra say the souls from the 13 planetary systems were deposited on this planet?
So either the psychology we speak about existed for hundreds of thousands of years. Or it existed for millions of years. Either way, the last 7 millenia were not representative.
They were part of the intention to control mankind.
Quote:I said no such thing. I don't understand where you got the idea. I simply stated that our psychology was formed over hundreds of thousands of years. And that the sexual roles imposed upon us in the last few thousand years are not representative to our development and thus our psyches.(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Men and women are two halves of a circle, they fit each other perfectly.Are you saying the ancient civilizations were more advanced than the one we're in now? How does that fit in with the Ra teachings?
Quote:You speak of reasons for emerging of cultures, I speak of consequences... At any rate I am glad we agree that both genders were victimized.(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Then came an influence be it the paternalistic religions or whatever that caused us as a species to have completely inappropriate images about our genders. This resulted in what apparently is a male dominated society. In reality it wasn't the males dominating. It was these paternalistic ideas dominating, because most males fitted as poorly as most females.
I agree that men were victimized just as much as women were by paternalistic religions. I'm not so sure that was the only reason for the male dominated cultures emerging, though.
Quote:I would agree with you... Every change has it's up and downsides...(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Then there was the sexual revolutions. Where women regained a large part of their lost identity.. Men regained a bit of theirs... But girls were the big winners...
For the most part, yes. The pendulum had been swinging one way for so long, it started swinging the other way. But in my opinion, there were some losses for women also. But that's a whole 'nother topic I'd rather not go into.
Quote:It does, that's why I said "Without wanting to reject or reduce the bias that still exists for women"... I in no way want to belittle or devalue the female gender. I could not do that without belittling or devaluing my own.. Like I said, two halves of a perfect circle.(02-29-2012, 05:13 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Without wanting to reject or reduce the bias that still exists for women. I have to note that many men have some difficulty in self image when it comes to their masculinity.It works both ways!