(02-29-2012, 04:46 PM)Ankh Wrote: What I was referring to which you answer above, is your statement where you say that your interpretation of Ra is that it is women's responsibility
I retracted the troublesome term responsibility and replaced it with task or opportunity. Come to think of it, another term that is actually more accurate is honor. I think it is women's honor to help guide men from their lower chakras.
No obligations. No responsibility. No commitments.
But honor awaits the woman who chooses to accept this task.
Does that help?
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: No, Monica. What caused my personal reaction is that it could be interpreted, by reading your post, that women have a spiritual connection, and have to help men to evolve from mere lust, and reach higher centers from the lower. And that it would be something that Ra said.
OK. Apparently my viewpoint is unpopular. If I reiterate it, I will catch all sorts of flack.
See, I don't see this as sexist at all, because we've all been both male and female. All are ONE. The man in my life is ME. I am humbled and honored to be of service to him. And he is humbled and honored to be of service to me.
There is no superiority to this. We each have our roles to play. One is not more spiritual than the other.
You are misunderstanding me if you think I'm saying women are more spiritual than men.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: We are discussing Q'uo quote here about female orgasm, not porn.
This discussion has already branched off into history, etc.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: Then you said that women have to guide men to reach higher centers from mere lust.
May, not "have to." Nothing is required. Service is always optional.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: I got it! Perhaps the misunderstanding/confusion is in: since we are discussing female orgasm, you talk about females only, meaning that - females guide men to reach higher centers from the lower ones. While you of course mean that this applies to both sexes?
Both sexes have their roles to play, but they are different. So no, that doesn't apply to both sexes.
Maybe a sidenote into numerology might help to clarify. In binary code, Zero is nothing and yet everything; it is whole. It is inherently yin (feminine) because it is passive and receptive. Zero is the number of the Goddess. It is Spirit Unmanifest.
The number One is the number of yang - masculine energy - moving forward. Its energy is expansive, assertive, and maybe even aggressive. It is the energy of forward motion, of spirit descending into matter, of linear time, of Maia. It is the energy of Illusion. It is Spirit Manifest.
They are equals. Neither is better or "more spiritual" than the other.
But each has its own distinct properties and characteristics. And, the energy of the Goddess (ZERO) must ultimately be balanced with the energy of the God (ONE). It must come full circle.
It is appropriate that the male energy descend into matter, and the female energy, having come full circle, go back to Source.
It is cyclical. All of us have been both male and female. Both have their roles to play.
There is more I could say, but I will refrain, because I think my words will be misunderstood.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: That both help, guide and aid each other to reach higher centers leaving lower ones behind. But since we are talking about females here, you said that it was female's responsibility, while it is in fact a responsibility/honor of both?
Both have the honor/opportunity/responsibility...but the roles are different.
In my understanding, of course.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: Perhaps it is not the differences that are stated in Ra and Q'uo that bothered me, but other's interpretations of them. All are entitled to their own "truth". Got it! =)
We all offer our own interpretations. That's what this is all about! You might strongly disagree with my interpretations. That's ok. All we can do is offer ourselves to the other, and the other may choose to consider our viewpoints...or not.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: What I said is that I don't see anywhere that Ra or Q'uo states that as women's responsibility (only)=that there is anything in either material that says that "it is women's responsibility to guide men from mere lust, or lower centers, to the spiritual expression of sexuality".
If you don't see that, then (apparently) it isn't relevant to you. That's ok.
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: What I disagree with you, as I've already stated, is the statement where you said that it is women's responsibility to guide men from mere lust in lower centers, to spiritual expression of it. I totally agree though, that it is a responsibility/honor of both sexes.
So do you think the roles are the same? Or do you see a difference in the roles of men vs women?
(03-01-2012, 03:09 AM)Ankh Wrote: Awesome! So when you said that it's women's responsibility to guide men from lower centers to higher, you meant that it is also men's responsibility to guide women in the same direction?
No. Men have other 'responsibilities.'