02-29-2012, 03:04 PM
(02-29-2012, 12:08 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Drunvalo Melchizedek wrote about this in his "Ancient secret of the flower of life" books... There's no reference I can find on the internet. But he mentions it in another book that is indexed by google. I have also seen alternative versions where the hidden object is either a library, or a crystal of great power.. That was back in 1988... Also this sphinx is supposedly connected to the face on Mars.
It has always fascinated me... What do you know about this Shin'Ar?
This is the revelation of Thoth, the Chosen One of the Masters.
Raised I to LIGHT,
the children of KHEM.
Deep 'neath the rocks,
I buried my spaceship,
waiting the time when man might be free.
Over the spaceship,
erected a marker in the form
of a lion yet like unto man.
There 'neath the image rests yet my spaceship,
forth to be brought when need shall arise.
Know ye, O man, that far in the future,
invaders shall come from out of the deep.
Then awake, ye who have wisdom.
Bring forth my ship and conquer with ease.
Deep 'neath the image lies my secret.
Search and find in the pyramid I built.
Each to the other is the Keystone;
each the gateway that leads into LIFE.
Follow the KEY I leave behind me.
Seek and the doorway to LIFE shall be thine.
Seek thou in my pyramid,
deep in the passage that ends in a wall.
Use thou the KEY of the SEVEN,
and open to thee the pathway will fall.
Now unto thee I have given my wisdom.
Now unto thee I have given my way.
Follow the pathway.
Solve thou my secrets.
Unto thee I have shown the way.
The secrets he has hidden, and the keys to unlocking those secrets are in these teachings. U[/size]nderstanding the following are the keys:
Masters are they of the great Secret Wisdom,
brought from the future of infinity's end.
Seven are they, the Lords of Amenti,
overlords they of the Children of Morning,
Suns of the cycles, Masters of Wisdom.
Formed are not they as the children of men?
EIGHT, NINE are the titles of the Masters of men.
Far from the future, formless yet forming,
came they as teachers for the children of men.
Live they forever, yet not of the living,
bound not to life and yet free from death.
Rule they forever with infinite wisdom,
bound yet not bound to the dark Halls of Death.
Life they have in them, yet life that is not life,
free from all are the Lords of the ALL.
Forth from them came forth the Logos,
instruments they of the power o'er all.
Vast is their countenance,
yet hidden in smallness,
formed by a forming, known yet unknown.
THREE holds the key of all hidden magic,
creator he of the halls of the Dead;
sending forth power, shrouding with darkness,
binding the souls of the children of men;
sending the darkness, binding the soul force;
director of negative to the children of men.
FOUR is he who looses the power.
Lord, he, of Life to the children of men.
Light is his body, flame is his countenance;
freer of souls to the children of men.
FIVE is the master, the Lord of all magic -
Key to The Word that resounds among men.
SIX is the Lord of Light, the hidden pathway,
path of the souls of the children of men.
SEVEN is he who is Lord of the vastness,
master of Space and the key of the Times.
EIGHT is he who orders the progress;
weighs and balances the journey of men.
NINE is the father, vast he of countenance,
forming and changing from out of the formless.
Meditate on the symbols I give thee.
Keys are they, though hidden from men.