Quote:Normal Testosterone Levels
Male: 300 -1,200 ng/dL
Female: 30 - 95 ng/dL
Note: ng/dL = nanograms per deciliter
Normal value ranges may vary slightly among different laboratories. Talk to your doctor about the meaning of your specific test results.
The examples above show the common measurements for results for these tests. Some laboratories use different measurements or may test different specimens.
source: http://www.nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/ency/...003707.htm
There is still a difference between male and female physiology. Some are taking this to mean that one is better than another. That is an incorrect assumption.
We have traditionally been playing certain roles throughout history. We have DNA encoded with our evolutionary journey.
To deny this is to ignore certain information that will assist in transcending it.
For example,
Men: You can forgive yourselves for physical cues hard-wired into your brains and DNA. Forgive, and then continue co-creating the enlightened male you are.
Women: You can forgive the males for the same. And you can forgive yourselves for allowing to be disempowered for millennia, and now continue to co-create the enlightened female you are.
We are now endeavoring to bring into the light a true balance of female/male, in ourselves, and in our societies. It is a working theory of mine that this is why there is so much homosexual, tansgender, metrosexual, and lesbian preference right now. Not only is the veil thinner regarding past lives, but we are attempting to achieve the balance, and it manifests in physical in these ways.
We do not need to argue the equality of females and males. Of course we are equal. But we are still different. As long as their is the duality of existence (yin/yang, wave/particle, female/male and so on), there will be differences.
Regarding the topic of this thread.
When one considers the orgasm, and that sexual encounters may create a new being, one gets a sense of the power of it.
It seems to me that the orgasm is the full physical expression of the chakra and its potential. No other chakras do this this easily in 3D.
I had a spontaneous opening of the heart chakra one time when I was with a person I cared for. I felt something shoot out from the heart and spin around me like a disc about 6 to 10 feet in diameter. It lasted about a minute, and was very blissful, and made me feel unconditional love for the person.
Perhaps the controlling geneticists who may have played with our species allowed us only certain chakras to be opened easily, for purposes of control. And of course, pleasure in orgasm would drive the species to survive, while also keeping us centered in survival.
Imagine what it would be like in a union of male/female energy (which could be any two individuals) where all the chakras open simultaneously in this way. I get the feeling they could travel to another planet or something, it would be so powerful.