(12-03-2009, 09:01 AM)ayadew Wrote: Eating mercury-poisoned food is one thing. Injecting mercury-poisoned vaccine directly into the bloodstream is a whole other ballgame..
And, in answer to Ali's comment about absorption, it's not just absorption that is the issue; it's the body's ability to detoxify from the poison.
The chemicals in vaccines are preserved with formaldehyde! Preserved!!! There's a reason for this: so that they stay in the body. Think about it! Even a 'minute' dose of a chemical could be dramatically compounded if the body is unable to get rid of it because it's been preserved!
(12-02-2009, 05:15 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: And that's a sad fact.. :-/ Though on the other hand. Those who really want to know can dive into the databases, can look up the facts. It's not just politics and greed. It's also laziness. If the big company with the shiny office says so it must be true....
People are accustomed to trusting the medical establishment. I wouldn't blame the people entirely; the drug companies have done a stupendous propaganda job so people actually think they have their best interests in mind! Although I agree there is a laziness factor, most people don't realize the need to investigate on their own; they assume they can trust the 'experts.'
Typically, they don't start investigating until after the damage is done. Then, they become passionate about their cause. Just check out the many parent advocacy groups run for and by parents whose children have been damaged by vaccines. These people have indeed done their research! Unfortunately, it's too late for their own children, but they are heroes because they're valiantly trying to wake up other parents before it's too late for other children. These parents are heroes; they are taking on the behemoth drug industry.
(12-02-2009, 05:15 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: And please remember I'm not saying there are no problems associated with the toxins in vaccines. I'm just saying they're minute amounts. Even then, rarely but it still happens, that people get violently ill or even die because of it. It's a dirty business, I agree with you guys.
As I just mentioned in my previous posts, minute amounts that are preserved so the body can't eliminate them.
Ali, I am looking forward to hearing from you after you review the info I posted earlier. I think you will be amazed to learn that violent side effects aren't as rare as you think!
(12-02-2009, 05:15 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: But smallpox and polio are still very real diseases, we don't have them here but we will have them if we stop vaccinating against them... No matter how filthy the vaccine, it's maybe still better than that?
Are you sure? What are you basing that on? Graphs showing the decline of diseases after the vaccine was introduced?
Check out the complete CDC graphs shown in the videos I posted.
(12-02-2009, 05:15 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: It's clearly a choice of two evils. But I think vaccines are the lesser evil. As long as we use them on the serious diseases only. Not on a flu in a healthy individual. The kids get way too much of this stuff in their systems. But we can't eliminate all of it without consequences.
I appreciate your attempt to have a balanced perspective. This reminds me of a conversation I had the other day with an atheist. He said, "I have examined all the data and concluded that there is no God; nor is there a soul or anything supernatural." to which I replied, "How are you so sure you have examined all the data?"
The more data I found, the more convinced I became that, in most cases, the vaccine was far more terrifying than the disease. The only exception I found was tetanus (and rabies for dogs).
I think the concept of vaccination is sound. But the delivery is very primitive. There are homeopathic nosodes that have been used successfully in Europe. I'm not sure how documented it is, but this approach adheres to the Hippocratic Oath of First do no harm.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: Lets check the facts people...
Vaccines have been proven to work again and again... Open pubmed... www.pubmed.com, search for "vaccine efficacy" and you get pages of research indicating the effect.
Reading the research reports which were funded by the drug companies who have a vested interest in selling their product is like letting the fox guard the henhouse.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: The amount of cases of measles in the USA has dropped from 750.000 to fewer than 100 in the last few years directly due to vaccination.
Directly due to vaccination? Says who? The CDC? That is just a conclusion offered by the CDC...after I saw their skewed, misrepresented graphs, I don't trust them at all!
There is a much bigger picture than what the drug companies (who are in bed with the CDC) tell us.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: ammonium sulfate used mostly in fertilizers, it's in your food.
Just because something is in our food doesn't mean it's safe! There are numerous ingredients commonly found in mainstream foods that I would never eat!
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: amphotericin B This is nasty stuff, it's a fungicide. It's potentially lethal in larger doses and has nasty but short term side effects.
What exactly does short term mean? Why is something short term?
It's short term because the body is able to eliminate it.
Toxins found in vaccines are not eliminated by the body because they are preserved with formaldehyde.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: animal tissues: pig blood, horse blood, rabbit brain,
dog kidney, monkey kidney,
chick embryo, chicken egg, duck egg
calf (bovine) serum If you ever ate pig or an omelet, you received this in much larger doses.
But not injected into the bloodstream.
And vegetarians wouldn't want these 'ingredients' anymore.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: betapropiolactone is suspected to be a factor in cancers.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: formaldehyde it's basically a toxin used to kill bacteria and cells, to keep the vaccine clear of infections. However, it's not healthy for humans either. In large doses it can cause allergies, and cancers.
Respectfully, Ali, you seem to be assessing each ingredient individually, without taking into account their synergistic effects, the fact that they are injected into the blood, and, most importantly, the fact that they are preserved and therefore cannot be eliminated via the normal detoxification channels.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: formalin is another name for a treated formaldehyde. The only other ingredients are water and methanol which is alcohol, large doses are drunk for example in Russia and can lead to blindness. The dose in a vaccine offcourse won't even get you drunk let alone damage you.
Another preservative?
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: human diploid cells (originating from human aborted fetal tissue) Sounds bad and maybe it is but it's not poison.
They use fetal tissue from abortions in vaccines??? Wow. Not physical poison, maybe, but I personally would not want that in my body, for ethical reasons.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: monosodium glutamate (MSG)Used in foods to make them taste better. They say it's a reason for obesity.
There is oh so much more that could be said about MSG. The natural/wholistic/alternative community has a general consensus that's in the top 10 worst sins...nasty stuff that should be avoided, like aspartame.
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: In the days since the first flu "outbreaks" 2.7 million have died of aids, millions more have been infected. I'm not even talking about cardio vascular issues or cancer. And yet we're talking about a flu.
Yeah, it's nuts!
(11-30-2009, 05:12 PM)Ali Quadir Wrote: I don't think the negative elite are as powerful as is often suggested. I see them scrambling to maintain the status quo of their worlds. Suddenly their assets vaporized. They want to reestablish their de-facto power.
I agree on this!