02-26-2012, 09:12 PM
Thank you again, Shin'Ar. Your response concludes my questioning on this subject. And yes, the story, when summarized so dryly, is less than plausible. What makes this tale unique is the apparent vibration of this informant. And this is precisely why people are so polarized about it. How can one who claims STS vibrate so consistently STO? Nevertheless, it is only one story among many.
What you are describing here is precisely the significance I have seen in one particular card in the Tarot, namely the one commonly called Judgment. In Ra's system, it is called the Transformation of the Spirit. This is the shedding of attachment to the physical world as a thing to be desired of itself. In doing so, the male and female selves are purified and reborn, yielding the awakening of the child within. It is the child within which lives and moves in direct contact with Intelligent Infinity, oozing with inspiration and unmovable in its feeling of joy.
Ra emphasizes numerous times throughout the material that each will experience things uniquely, but it is often difficult for us to appreciate this fact, since we're all looking to understand what we experience by listening to the descriptions of others. That you have experienced contact with Intelligent Infinity without knowing it is a common misperception, I have found.
My own experience is from the perspective of a 'career philosopher', if you will. Since a young age, I have occasionally disappeared from the world around me into a world where my questions about the nature of reality receive answers which I then bring back into the world. I do not know how common this kind of experience is, but it took me a long time to even consider that it was a kind of meditation because I was always easiest for me to engage in this process while doing a repetitive motion like a simple chore or pacing. Because I had imagined that meditation happens seated with eyes closed, I had not given the proper significance to my own personal practice. Yet my own great spiritual awakening came as a result of this practice and it brought with it all the bright, intense, joyous emotions that are commonly associated with raising the Kundalini. Somehow, my periods of contemplation seemed too common and mundane to have been a form of enlightenment.
I, like so many I know, had sold myself short. Your experiences, Azrael, are profound, so there is no need to doubt their profundity just because it does not take the same shape as the profundity that others describe to you.
Shin'Ar Wrote:One cannot stand at the threshold between the worlds without confronting that one thing that has for many incarnations stood in their path; their attachment to the flesh. The only way to overcome that barrier and pass through that Astral Gate is by realizing one's true identity as The One and connecting to that Intelligent Infinity and Intelligent Energy.
The struggle to achieve that victory between flesh/matter and spirit has forever been portrayed as a battle with demons and monsters of all sorts, even causing many of the legends to become distorted creating evil dragons out of the Serpent Goddess...
...The transformation cannot be made if we are still attached to our physical senses.
What you are describing here is precisely the significance I have seen in one particular card in the Tarot, namely the one commonly called Judgment. In Ra's system, it is called the Transformation of the Spirit. This is the shedding of attachment to the physical world as a thing to be desired of itself. In doing so, the male and female selves are purified and reborn, yielding the awakening of the child within. It is the child within which lives and moves in direct contact with Intelligent Infinity, oozing with inspiration and unmovable in its feeling of joy.
Azrael Wrote:I know exactly what you are talking about, and I realize that I've already been experiencing it for a long time but didn't know what it actually was.
Ra emphasizes numerous times throughout the material that each will experience things uniquely, but it is often difficult for us to appreciate this fact, since we're all looking to understand what we experience by listening to the descriptions of others. That you have experienced contact with Intelligent Infinity without knowing it is a common misperception, I have found.
My own experience is from the perspective of a 'career philosopher', if you will. Since a young age, I have occasionally disappeared from the world around me into a world where my questions about the nature of reality receive answers which I then bring back into the world. I do not know how common this kind of experience is, but it took me a long time to even consider that it was a kind of meditation because I was always easiest for me to engage in this process while doing a repetitive motion like a simple chore or pacing. Because I had imagined that meditation happens seated with eyes closed, I had not given the proper significance to my own personal practice. Yet my own great spiritual awakening came as a result of this practice and it brought with it all the bright, intense, joyous emotions that are commonly associated with raising the Kundalini. Somehow, my periods of contemplation seemed too common and mundane to have been a form of enlightenment.
I, like so many I know, had sold myself short. Your experiences, Azrael, are profound, so there is no need to doubt their profundity just because it does not take the same shape as the profundity that others describe to you.