02-25-2012, 07:49 AM
The problem with magick imo is that people have been discussing it for what amounts to millenia... Every theory only served to muddy the issue more. I've been involved in the occult for almost 20 years now. It is my opinion that the theories matter very little. It's like we're all sitting around a campfire talking about how we walk, how we should walk, what black walking is versus white walking, what kinds of walks are dangerous and what kinds of entities exist to aid us in our walking, and which entities would try to stop us from walking... However... People who do magick ignore at least one or two of those "so called objective rules" on a regular basis and still get their works done. Things that can be ignored can not truly be very important can they?
When I read the words of Ra here he clearly follows the frame of reference Don has.. Answering the question within the reference is much more doable than it is to create the reference that Ra has first.
The bottom line as I see it really is that we're creators. Our reality follows a superconscious blueprint we hold "inside", this blueprint is called the lightbody. If we were totally realized totally aware entities then this blueprint would follow our will as natural as our breath. Because we're not aware it follows our will as natural as our heart. It beats and its slightly influenced by our acts.. But only of you pay attention. This blueprint is how the world is supposed to be. Magick is simply changing the blueprint, changing the self by an act of will, to the point where the blueprint allows for things most would call impossible.
Magick occurs not so much because of strongly focused will, but more because of a loosely held expectation.
The basic form of a spell is visualization, charge, and release... First you visualize what you want, so that it is clear in your mind. It doesn't mean you have to see it in your minds eye. You should know it and be able to answer every question about it. This is creating the blueprint.. Then you charge the blueprint. By thinking about it as if it is true. Reasoning with it, expecting to see it. You add energy to the blueprint giving the blueprint the ability to start it's own life. And then you release it.. Meaning you stop thinking about it all together. Do something else. Engage your mind with other things to the point where it totally slips your mind that you've started this work... This removing it from your own mind allows it to do it's work without the intervention by your conscious chatter. This way your doubts won't touch it, (because you're not thinking about it)
And then the blueprint charged with the invested energy will create inside your reality. As there is no real difference between this artificial blueprint and your life blueprint. Other than that you've probably never consciously designed your life blueprint or even questioned it. It's really the same mechanism though.
Manipulating the blueprint in this manner causes the lightbody to wake up. It's like massaging a sleeping leg. (Without the nasty tingling) It becomes aware of itself and thus you become aware of it by the fact that it is touched and prodded. Which makes it much more easy to perform magic or to experience things magical. (There are events occurring in this world that most people don't see because they are filtered out as impossible and thus safe to ignore.)
When I read the words of Ra here he clearly follows the frame of reference Don has.. Answering the question within the reference is much more doable than it is to create the reference that Ra has first.
The bottom line as I see it really is that we're creators. Our reality follows a superconscious blueprint we hold "inside", this blueprint is called the lightbody. If we were totally realized totally aware entities then this blueprint would follow our will as natural as our breath. Because we're not aware it follows our will as natural as our heart. It beats and its slightly influenced by our acts.. But only of you pay attention. This blueprint is how the world is supposed to be. Magick is simply changing the blueprint, changing the self by an act of will, to the point where the blueprint allows for things most would call impossible.
Magick occurs not so much because of strongly focused will, but more because of a loosely held expectation.
The basic form of a spell is visualization, charge, and release... First you visualize what you want, so that it is clear in your mind. It doesn't mean you have to see it in your minds eye. You should know it and be able to answer every question about it. This is creating the blueprint.. Then you charge the blueprint. By thinking about it as if it is true. Reasoning with it, expecting to see it. You add energy to the blueprint giving the blueprint the ability to start it's own life. And then you release it.. Meaning you stop thinking about it all together. Do something else. Engage your mind with other things to the point where it totally slips your mind that you've started this work... This removing it from your own mind allows it to do it's work without the intervention by your conscious chatter. This way your doubts won't touch it, (because you're not thinking about it)
And then the blueprint charged with the invested energy will create inside your reality. As there is no real difference between this artificial blueprint and your life blueprint. Other than that you've probably never consciously designed your life blueprint or even questioned it. It's really the same mechanism though.
Manipulating the blueprint in this manner causes the lightbody to wake up. It's like massaging a sleeping leg. (Without the nasty tingling) It becomes aware of itself and thus you become aware of it by the fact that it is touched and prodded. Which makes it much more easy to perform magic or to experience things magical. (There are events occurring in this world that most people don't see because they are filtered out as impossible and thus safe to ignore.)