02-22-2012, 02:31 PM
Oh this is getting fun! Thanks for all the responses! Who knows, we might even start piecing together some past lives in which we knew one another! That could get interesting!
I provided only the quick overview of my remembered lifetimes, but in the ones I mentioned, in each case there were some major connections with people in this life, or major issues that I had to resolve.
For example, in the lifetime in which I was murdered, I knew who murdered me and how. I re-experienced the pain and the blood. It was so vivid! But the amazing thing is that this explained so much about the relationship with that person in this life, as well as many other things.
Here is the key for me: This particular memory surfaced when I was searching for answers regarding a person in my life. It hit me very hard, and was very emotionally intense. But the whole point of it was forgiveness and healing. By confronting what had happened before, I was able to forgive that person and break the cycle.
In some cases, such as the one in which I murdered the emperor, it explained the karma between me and someone who was temporarily in my life. (such as a co-worker, friend or boyfriend)
Dying in childbirth explained a great deal about why I had difficulty birthing in this life, and catalysts that my husband, son and I had in this life...stuff that carried over from that Native American life.
I know a lot more details about each of the past lives I mentioned, but I don't want to share the details because they are very personal. But suffice to say, that glimpses of past lives have shaped how we deal with issues in our family. My husband, son and I have delved more deeply into all these and other lifetimes, sometimes just a snapshot of a particular event, without details of when or where, because those details don't matter. It doesn't matter whether one was a famous figure or not, for example. What matters is the life lessons that have carried over from that lifetime.
As the karmic issue comes up, the memory surfaces. I think anyone could access their own memories, if the need is there. I didn't need to know about being murdered, for example, until I wanted to know why I was having a particular sort of conflict with a particular person in my life. When I meditated on the situation and got the flood of memory, it was an 'Aha' moment and waves of understanding and forgiveness swept over me.
For me, the key has been the choice to forgive. That opens the doors of perception! I strongly believe that that which is to be forgiven must be faced; else the forgiveness is incomplete.
Acceptance must precede forgiveness, and how can one accept that which one is unaware of? And, how can one accept that which one has neglected or refused to acknowledge?
I could say, "I forgive this ex-boyfriend or co-worker" and that is the important first step. But without really acknowledging and accepting the aspects of that person, what actually is being forgiven?
Past life memories aren't necessary to forgive. So for those of you who don't have memories, please don't be jealous of those who do. If it's necessary for you to have memories, then they will surface at the right time. Or you might choose to get the assistance of someone who can regress you. I had some memories on my own during my childhood, but later, after doing the acupuncture, more memories surfaced more easily.
After clearing the karmic issues with the actors on my stage, the emotional charge of those lifetimes disappeared.
Of those that I mentioned, the one that stands out the most, as still having relevance in this life, is the Atlantean one. I am still looking for the other priests. The crystal must still be recovered, as planned. There is a huge amount of information stored in it. It's important. But certain key people have to unlock it.
I provided only the quick overview of my remembered lifetimes, but in the ones I mentioned, in each case there were some major connections with people in this life, or major issues that I had to resolve.
For example, in the lifetime in which I was murdered, I knew who murdered me and how. I re-experienced the pain and the blood. It was so vivid! But the amazing thing is that this explained so much about the relationship with that person in this life, as well as many other things.
Here is the key for me: This particular memory surfaced when I was searching for answers regarding a person in my life. It hit me very hard, and was very emotionally intense. But the whole point of it was forgiveness and healing. By confronting what had happened before, I was able to forgive that person and break the cycle.
In some cases, such as the one in which I murdered the emperor, it explained the karma between me and someone who was temporarily in my life. (such as a co-worker, friend or boyfriend)
Dying in childbirth explained a great deal about why I had difficulty birthing in this life, and catalysts that my husband, son and I had in this life...stuff that carried over from that Native American life.
I know a lot more details about each of the past lives I mentioned, but I don't want to share the details because they are very personal. But suffice to say, that glimpses of past lives have shaped how we deal with issues in our family. My husband, son and I have delved more deeply into all these and other lifetimes, sometimes just a snapshot of a particular event, without details of when or where, because those details don't matter. It doesn't matter whether one was a famous figure or not, for example. What matters is the life lessons that have carried over from that lifetime.
As the karmic issue comes up, the memory surfaces. I think anyone could access their own memories, if the need is there. I didn't need to know about being murdered, for example, until I wanted to know why I was having a particular sort of conflict with a particular person in my life. When I meditated on the situation and got the flood of memory, it was an 'Aha' moment and waves of understanding and forgiveness swept over me.
For me, the key has been the choice to forgive. That opens the doors of perception! I strongly believe that that which is to be forgiven must be faced; else the forgiveness is incomplete.
Acceptance must precede forgiveness, and how can one accept that which one is unaware of? And, how can one accept that which one has neglected or refused to acknowledge?
I could say, "I forgive this ex-boyfriend or co-worker" and that is the important first step. But without really acknowledging and accepting the aspects of that person, what actually is being forgiven?
Past life memories aren't necessary to forgive. So for those of you who don't have memories, please don't be jealous of those who do. If it's necessary for you to have memories, then they will surface at the right time. Or you might choose to get the assistance of someone who can regress you. I had some memories on my own during my childhood, but later, after doing the acupuncture, more memories surfaced more easily.
After clearing the karmic issues with the actors on my stage, the emotional charge of those lifetimes disappeared.
Of those that I mentioned, the one that stands out the most, as still having relevance in this life, is the Atlantean one. I am still looking for the other priests. The crystal must still be recovered, as planned. There is a huge amount of information stored in it. It's important. But certain key people have to unlock it.