(02-07-2012, 09:22 AM)indolering Wrote: .
Quote:I have been down in the park where the madmen play and seen their rape machines.
Care to expand on this cryptic sentence...? (It's a beautiful sentence, I wish I'd written it - it's prose poetry!)
The NWO depends upon secrecy and compartmentalization....
They love this sort of music. Reminds them to of their scripting.
What I said was inspired by that song from the album Replicas. hint,hint.
Yeh they hate exposure...that is so funny because we have infiltrated their computer systems.
Guess how it happened? Some heroic behaivior by some defector?
No the fools were stupid and dumbed down enough to post the url in the internet.
Even funnier - it was on the ashtar command message board!!!!!!!!!!
Edit: Correction. It was indeed a huge heroic effort. Thank you.