02-05-2012, 02:45 AM
I've had a transplant but without removal of any organ. It was a choice between that or death, which is likely the case for most people. At the time I wasn't even looking at what it might do on the soul level except that I owed it to my incarnated soul to keep this body alive if I could.
I didn't notice much difference besides the great physical improvements, only a few altered food preferences. No personality changes - and I was watching for them. I also had a blood transfusion which was absolutely needed or I wouldn't have consented to it. Through all this I learned so much in all ways, and it's since the transplants (and getting on the internet) that I've learned the most spiritually, but it's been an incremental process throughout my life too. Maybe the transplant had something to do with this, but there are way too many other factors to rule out.
Recently I stopped taking the drugs that protect the transplant - a huge and agonizing decision because it amounts to killing living cells which have become part of me and which I loved, welcomed, and talked with - and am expecting (and suspecting) rejection symptoms. There is now another way to keep my body alive without the transplants, so after considering quitting for some time and rereading the lists of horrific adverse drug effects, I did it. Kinda rocky right now, but it's been an incredible journey. Personal details if you want to PM me, I'd welcome it...
You're right, Plenum, and that's partly what I learned so much about, the hard way - through being the target of a huge amount of pressure and propaganda and having to sort out what felt like truth and what would be in my own best interests. I was guided, I know that.
To me it seems that those of us who have relatively "clean" spirits, STO oriented and all that, should be the ones who sign their organ donor cards - and the "opposite" types screened out somehow. I'd hope that donated & received organs are chosen and matched as carefully as we have chosen our incarnations - according to the catalysts each needs. Everything we do and encounter changes us, so the question of who I am now doesn't seem to be much different for me than for anyone else: "I am a part of all that I have met..." I'm willing to change my opinion, though, because maybe I don't comprehend this at the soul level very well yet.
I didn't notice much difference besides the great physical improvements, only a few altered food preferences. No personality changes - and I was watching for them. I also had a blood transfusion which was absolutely needed or I wouldn't have consented to it. Through all this I learned so much in all ways, and it's since the transplants (and getting on the internet) that I've learned the most spiritually, but it's been an incremental process throughout my life too. Maybe the transplant had something to do with this, but there are way too many other factors to rule out.
Recently I stopped taking the drugs that protect the transplant - a huge and agonizing decision because it amounts to killing living cells which have become part of me and which I loved, welcomed, and talked with - and am expecting (and suspecting) rejection symptoms. There is now another way to keep my body alive without the transplants, so after considering quitting for some time and rereading the lists of horrific adverse drug effects, I did it. Kinda rocky right now, but it's been an incredible journey. Personal details if you want to PM me, I'd welcome it...

You're right, Plenum, and that's partly what I learned so much about, the hard way - through being the target of a huge amount of pressure and propaganda and having to sort out what felt like truth and what would be in my own best interests. I was guided, I know that.
To me it seems that those of us who have relatively "clean" spirits, STO oriented and all that, should be the ones who sign their organ donor cards - and the "opposite" types screened out somehow. I'd hope that donated & received organs are chosen and matched as carefully as we have chosen our incarnations - according to the catalysts each needs. Everything we do and encounter changes us, so the question of who I am now doesn't seem to be much different for me than for anyone else: "I am a part of all that I have met..." I'm willing to change my opinion, though, because maybe I don't comprehend this at the soul level very well yet.