02-03-2012, 09:53 AM
(11-14-2010, 08:02 PM)kristy1111 Wrote: So interesting that you would ask about nature spirits and devas... My husband and I found a book in a discount rack and for some reason picked it up and bought it. The title is:
Behaving As If the God In All Things Mattered, by Michaelle Small Wright
This book is devoted to this exact subject, which is contacting the natures spirits and devas. Machaelle first tells about her childhood, and it's necessary to do so because it gives you a background about how she ended up where she did and how she was. It's a fascinating read, and we couldn't put it down. She goes into great detail about her experiences with the devas, etc., and what she has learned about them. She created a beautiful garden with the help of these devas/spirits and now she makes all kinds of flower essences, oils, etc., from the things she grows there. She even was in contact with the devas of the bugs, etc. Wow, it sure was a good book. She calls her garden "Perelandra". You can get her book used or new online. (and she's written more than one book). Her website is:
Thank you for sharing this, Kristy1111. The reference to "Perelandra" caught my eye because it is the title to the second book in a space triology written by C.S. Lewis, and is one of my favorite reads of all time!
According to Wikipedia, the book was later titled "Voyage to Venus" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perelandra
Love & Light