01-31-2012, 03:24 PM
I am thinking that this thread is going to launch some fireworks.
*getting popcorn*
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I know that you aren't deliberately trying to be provocative Diana, but you are implicitly going to be critiquing some of the behaviour of fellow forum members. And that will be perceived as a personal attack.
this is essentially an extension of the Meat Thread; in that people are going to have immovable opinions about how they/we engage with the Animal Kingdom.
YOUR OPINION is not going to be changed by any argument anyone could reason, and likewise, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE THEIR MIND EITHER.
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just putting that out there.
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back on topic.
*getting popcorn*
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I know that you aren't deliberately trying to be provocative Diana, but you are implicitly going to be critiquing some of the behaviour of fellow forum members. And that will be perceived as a personal attack.
this is essentially an extension of the Meat Thread; in that people are going to have immovable opinions about how they/we engage with the Animal Kingdom.
YOUR OPINION is not going to be changed by any argument anyone could reason, and likewise, THEY ARE NOT GOING TO CHANGE THEIR MIND EITHER.
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just putting that out there.
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back on topic.