(01-29-2012, 01:48 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: let me say that when I finally allowed myself to be diagnosed with depression and ADD the pharmaceuticals I eventually tried did more good for me in 1 month that my 2 years of all that new age stuff combined.Bluntly put:
You werent doing it right. If you wanna fix ADD, fix your solar plexus (makes you better at being focused (also, for extended periods)).
If you wanna fix depression, fix your root chakra (makes it easier to recover from psycological downs)
And by "fix" i mean: in meditation, make sure that energies are stirring/buzzing down around your shin and that theres a burning sensation around your solar plexus. Done through either focusing on them directly... or pushing the crown up/outwards.
If done right and with proper dedication, you can bring a chakra from dead to "above ~99.9% of the population" in 3 months
(01-29-2012, 01:48 AM)turtledude23 Wrote: If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain we have the technology to correct it.
Fyi, the chemical balance of your body/brain alters in relation to your aura(personality)....
But are you capable of preforming major changes?
But then again, some drugs actualy do mesassure almost as effective as just absorbing a color... but most give 1 and take 1 (or 2...)
Thats why they are called drugs, and not food.