01-29-2012, 04:05 AM
(01-28-2012, 05:59 AM)zenmaster Wrote: Look, no, you don't see where I'm coming from. If there was ground work there wouldn't be the exaggeration, the hand-waving, the attempts to cultivate transient experiences of little value. It is precisely because there was lack of contemplation in the first place that such conditions of imbalance occur. Do it now, consciously, or build up unconscious motivators to force learning.
You might want to tell your friend to see a neurologist.
Maybe the transient experiences aren't of little value but may infact be little tidbits given to one by their higher self as encouragement or to add to the mystery of it all. I don't experience alot of these sorts of things but when I do it blows me away.
My friend on the other had has been derided most of her life for talking about the paranormal. At school I didn't believe a word of it and found it annoying when she spoke of them. We didn't really see alot of each other for about a decade until I had some odd paranormal experiences myself.
I was led to The Law of One series, had a complete upheaval of my beliefs and ended up with my tale between my legs appologising to my friend about not believing her etc etc.
Suffice to say she no longer sees these sorts of things and now I do. Strange. But she listens to me and believes me unlike virtually everyone else I know including my immediate family.
I never realised how important and life changing they were to her when we were younger. It's something you cannot explain to anyone who's not experienced them. And of course you cannot prove it either.
Maybe I need to see a neurologist.
Anyway Zen alot of what you said previously could have come out of the mouth of my family so I can appreciate your view point. It's just all down to one's experiences I guess. What you planned for yourself before you got here.