01-29-2012, 01:48 AM
The male and female human brains are nearly identical biologically, most gender differences are social constructs, so a male is crying is healthy and well balanced, whether its normal depends on how you define that term, I would agree with kychai on the bell curve population idea and I would add that most people on the forum are probably on the leading edge of that curve, meaning there's not that many people we can truly relate to.
As someone who used to strongly believe that meditation, positive thinking, a healthy diet, and affirmations could cure anything and that all pharmaceuticals are evil brainwashing tools let me say that when I finally allowed myself to be diagnosed with depression and ADD the pharmaceuticals I eventually tried did more good for me in 1 month that my 2 years of all that new age stuff combined. If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain we have the technology to correct it. There are lots of smart people who study very hard to join a community of people who try to help improve our health, a community which strongly values evidence and building upon a pool of knowledge. So as convenient as it would be for a chant in Sanskrit and certain yoga pose to be the cures for a serious illness this is probably not the case. Go to a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, they can do their best to help you, they have probably helped many people in similar situations as you. If they don't help you or you don't like them then find someone else, there's so many of them.
As someone who used to strongly believe that meditation, positive thinking, a healthy diet, and affirmations could cure anything and that all pharmaceuticals are evil brainwashing tools let me say that when I finally allowed myself to be diagnosed with depression and ADD the pharmaceuticals I eventually tried did more good for me in 1 month that my 2 years of all that new age stuff combined. If you have a chemical imbalance in your brain we have the technology to correct it. There are lots of smart people who study very hard to join a community of people who try to help improve our health, a community which strongly values evidence and building upon a pool of knowledge. So as convenient as it would be for a chant in Sanskrit and certain yoga pose to be the cures for a serious illness this is probably not the case. Go to a doctor, psychologist or psychiatrist, they can do their best to help you, they have probably helped many people in similar situations as you. If they don't help you or you don't like them then find someone else, there's so many of them.