01-25-2012, 10:04 AM
(01-23-2012, 01:37 PM)iz_klana_ognya Wrote: Like when a small world of one city where we may live or even one planet exploded and expanded to something bigger what i could not imagine before but always felt. First, the understanding came and then i became to see things other way, and comparing with what thought about life before... )))It's called a 'gestalt' - unconscious pieces come together to form a whole picture or a larger picture when awareness eventually sees how the pieces are related. So the vague apprehension (feeling) of relationship (through intuition) becomes comprehension of design or principle (through experience). Not quite 'hidden knowledge', because your ideas didn't exist prior in the form of someone's belief - although the underlying principle has been widely known.
I suppose, all of us may know the feeling)